end chronic pain

1219 South State Route 17

Mountain View, MO 65548

(417) 934 6337

Call for an appointment

Mon, Wed, Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm

Closed 12:00 - 1:00

James DeBoard, MD

Five days before my Hotter n’ Hell 100 mile bike ride in August in Wichita Falls, TX, I went to see Dr, Schierling as a patient for the first time because my upper back and neck were painful and tight. I expected to receive some massage / manipulation and feel better for a few days. Instead he worked on old injuries in my neck, upper back, shoulders and rib cage. My body appeared to have been mauled; the bruising slowly receded over a period of 10 days. My skin looked far worse than the enclosed pictures demonstrate. The bike ride was uneventful. Only in this last week did I reflect upon the fact that my freedom of motion and pain relief has extended to the present time. Since you seek to provide pain relief to patients by all practical methods, it seems reasonable to share this story with you.