Doctor Schierling attended Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis, graduating in 1991. Having fallen in love with the Ozark Mountains and crystal clear Current River while in school, he moved to Mountain View, MO and began practicing.
Although his practice was successful, Doctor Schierling frequently found himself frustrated. As effective as chiropractic and acupuncture are for a wide range of problems, he could not understand why in cases that seemed identical, one patient would respond rapidly and the other wouldn’t respond at all.
Then, he developed a severe elbow tendinosis, early in 1996. He watched as it progressively got worse over the next several years. He’d tried all sorts of different treatments including massage therapy, electrical stimulation and ultra-sound, acupuncture, various types of chiropractic adjustments, numerous nutritional supplements, and about anything else that did not involve drugs or surgery.
Despite it all, the pain progressed and the dysfunction increased.
Then, a colleague introduced Doctor Schierling to a new form of Scar Tissue Remodeling Therapy. He readily admits he didn’t any faith in this new treatment. In the field of natural healing, there is always a “new ” thing, and most of these are here-today-gone-tomorrow; never really living up to their hype.
However, after receiving just one treatment he was amazed at the results. He knew within two days that something was dramatically different. Within one week, he was lifting weights again for the first time in three years. In his mind, it was nothing short of a miracle!
His practice was never the same. Today, he specializes in a holistic approach to helping end his patients’ chronic pain that includes Scar Tissue Remodeling Therapy. If you’re suffering from chronic pain, give us a call and schedule an appointment. If Doctor Schierling believes he can help you, he will. If he feels you’d be better served by a different approach, he’ll tell you that, too.
But, the first step is finding out. And, Doctor Schierling will help you do just that. So, give us a call at: (417) 934 6337.