Giving My Censored Blog Another Try
It’s beyond ridiculous that in this day and age we have to be concerned with government-funded censorship. Not agreeing with someone’s ideas is one thing.
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It’s beyond ridiculous that in this day and age we have to be concerned with government-funded censorship. Not agreeing with someone’s ideas is one thing.
Unfortunately in many states, due to the enormous wall of disinformation, propaganda, gaslighting and defamation that the Federal Government, vaccine manufacturers and corporate media have
Many people are not aware of the concerted effort by our government, working with big pharm and big tech, to censor natural health websites.
“….hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched—where their worm dieth not….” -The words of Jesus Christ from Mark 9:43-44 Let me start by
We live in a battleground — a battleground of narratives and ideas. Control the narrative, you control how people think. The decisions they make. What
Learn more about the relationship between Original Antigenic Sin and Antibody Dependent Enhancement
Centralized Pain or Not? Why Understanding Chronic Pain and Central Sensitization is Critical in Your Personal Battle with Pain “For society, the costs are staggering:
The Truth About the Acetaminophen / Autism / ADD/ADHD Connection “There are 28 billion doses of acetaminophen per year sold in the US; liver damage
Latest Research Reveals Chronic Pain is on the Rise This study has documented steep, sustained, and pervasive increases in chronic pain among Americans across the
What makes a good VIDEO TESTIMONIAL? Easy. Something that you can quickly tell was not planned or contrived. This means that on occasion you have
Does Pain Cause Problems in Fascia, or Do Problems in Fascia Cause Pain? “You might attribute a painful neck or a backache to tired muscles
The U.S. has a big problem with science literacy, and when you have a public who fundamentally misunderstands what science is, you are going to
Addressing Densified or Thickened Fascia to Address Chronic Pain Although I have been discussing THICKENED FASCIA on my site for at least 15 years (oftentimes
Please Rescue Me From My Pain! Be sure to stick around for the second half of today’s post because I take you through a contact
The THORACOLUMBAR FASCIA is arguably the single hottest area of study as far as low back pain is concerned. With LBP being almost ubiquitous in
If you’ve ever skimmed over the surface of the crystal-clear CURRENT RIVER you share a bond with Molly. How so? Her family manufactures Blazer Boats
When I suggest to patients that they should be “hanging,” it immediately conjures up images of the Old West for some of them. This is
Although Cassie’s case was extremely common as far as what was wrong with her (FASCIAL ADHESIONS caused by SEVERE TRAUMA had caused unbearable neck pain,
Because back pain, especially low back pain (LBP), is so common in our society, it’s important to realize that there are things you can do
Although fascia’s relationship to the immune system is the focus of this post, we will cover much more than that. We will delve into brand
Enter your name, email address and message in the box below to send us an email. If you’re in the Mountain View area, you can stop in to the office. We’re located in Mountain View at: 1219 South State, Route 17. Or, give us a call at: (417) 934 6337