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Mountain View, MO 65548

(417) 934 6337

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colds, flu, fever, coughs, and antibiotics



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It’s that time of year when many people get sick.  People get colds, they contract THE FLU, they come down with FEVERS, or they get a COUGH or UPPER RESPIRATORY INFECTION. We could also throw CHILDHOOD EAR INFECTIONS into the mix as well.  All of these are common — absurdly common.  What do you think?  Should you go to the doctor? 

You can go if you want, but the truth is, you are likely to be prescribed something that will actually make you worse —- Antibiotics.  Don’t get me wrong, the ANTIBIOTICS you are given today, will probably not make you worse tomorrow (although they could).  But once you begin to understand the relationship between the bacteria that live in your intestines, your IMMUNE SYSTEM, and the way that your overall health is intimately related to the HEALTH OF YOUR GUT, you will also begin to understand that those Antibiotics are not doing you any favors for the long haul.  Or, for that matter, the short haul.  So, unless you feel the problem is threatening life or limb, do yourself a favor and skip the doctor and their drugs.  Instead, spend some time on this and other health-related sites educating yourself about the life changes you and your family will need to make to get back on the road to real health.  Much of that information can be found in THESE POSTS.


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