Because I have family members and friends who are MD’s, I have some idea of the bureaucratic BS they are forced to go through all day long with each and every patient. Why does it matter to you? Mainly because not only is EVERYONE BEING AFFECTED BY A SIMILAR PHENOMENON, but how much does it affect your care knowing that national polls have repeatedly shown that over fifty percent of physicians hate their job and dread going to work?
Writing for the blog over at Kevin MD, Dr. Jordan Grumet, a doctor (internist) doing a guest column (Why This Doctor no Longer Loves Being a Physician) stated,
“I no longer love being a physician. I suppose the change happened sometime after we started using electronic medical records. It happened with meaningful use. And MACRA. And Medicare audits. And ICD-10. And face-to-face encounters. And attestations. And PQRS. And QAPI. And the ACA. And MOC. And on and on. What I do today is no longer practicing medicine.
Instead it’s like dancing the waltz, tango and salsa simultaneously to a double-timed techno beat. It’s sloppy, rushed, unpleasant to look at and often leaves my partner more confused and anxious than when we started. I have become ineffective. Not by the weight of ever expanding medical knowledge or even the complexity of the human body. Instead, my hard drive is being spammed by thousands of outside servers.“
If you want to get an idea of what your doctors are going through every time they come in the room to examine or treat you, you can read THIS POST. And if you think that it’s not affecting the quality of your care (or the quality of the research coming out of the field), I’ve got some ocean front property in Arizona you just might be interested in. I would suggest you take one minute to read Dr. Grumet’s short article (that’s all it will take). As is frequently the case, the comment section is better (and more telling) than the post itself. And like, share or follow us on FACEBOOK while you are at it.