Having grown up on a large Kansas farm, I can assure you that farm work can at times be rough. There’s haying, gardening, shoveling, chopping, sawing, digging, working cattle, and lots of lifting. And that’s just for starters. To top it all off, every time you finish items on your “to do” list, it actually gets longer. In other words, when you live on a farm, the work never ends and you never really catch up. It’s the nature of the beast.
I first met Austin almost a year ago to the day, during his senior year in high school. He came in complaining of back pain that had been an ongoing and persistent problem for the past decade. Wanting to make sure that what he was saying was accurate, I asked some questions and found that he had been dealing with increasingly severe back pain since his grade school days, finally reaching the point he could no longer function.
On Austin’s first visit I checked his ranges of motion (he could not even come remotely close to bending to touch the floor) and then checked him for SCAR TISSUE & FASCIAL ADHESIONS. Needless to say, he was maximally loaded. Immediately after treatment, his pain had resolved 100% and he could bend forward like a normal teenager, with a normal range of motion.
Just a few days ago, Austin came in for another treatment, talking about his good results from the first treatment a year earlier. Naturally, I asked if he would do a video for us. Although he’s a man of few words, his video is pretty cool. The doubly cool thing is that not only are results like his not an aberration (HERE), they are exactly what we strive to give to all of our patients (HERE) if it is in my power to do so. And if you appreciate our site and the work we do both in and out of clinic, be sure and like, share or follow on FACEBOOK as it’s a great way to reach the people you love and value most.