I first met Tyler when he was a little kid and I was the AWANA game guy. He was a fun kid with a streak of orneriness. About four years ago his mom told me what had happened to him and asked if I could help. I suggested she bring him in so I could take a look and make a determination. It seems that when Tyler was in 6th grade (he is now 18), he fell out of the barn loft onto his face. When I saw Tyler yesterday for an adjustment (I had not seen him since the original treatments) he reminded me of what he had been through and what we were able to do for him on his very first visit.
If you look at the barn above, you’ll see the large opening just under the peak of the roof. Back in the days before electricity, tractors, and gasoline engines, old barns had a system of pulleys and tracks (LIKE THIS) for the express purpose of getting hay into the loft (I actually have several of the huge wooden block & tackle pulleys from two of my Grandpa’s huge old barns. Anyway, Tyler was on his knees at the edge and accidentally fell out of the loft. He fell forward and landed on his face with so much force that as his spine went into extreme HYPER-EXTENSION, the back of his knees came over and hit him in the back of his head (there were two witnesses). Although he was knocked cold for a moment, he came to, jumped up and began running, probably due to shock.
After a trip to the ER where he was x-rayed and scanned (and had his mouth stitched up), he was sent home. As many of you reading this have experienced yourselves, he and his parents were told that since there were no broken bones, he’d be fine. He wasn’t fine. Tyler began having NECK PAIN & HEADACHES, and by the time I saw him two years later, the range of motion in his cervical spine was less than 50%.
After examining him, I tried an adjustment, getting little or no movement — something not common for someone his age (he was far too TETHERED to adjust properly). Realizing (as I originally suspected) that due to the trauma, Tyler had developed a significant amount of SCAR TISSUE in the FASCIA of his neck, I did tissue remodeling on his neck and upper back, breaking up the FASCIAL ADHESIONS. Not only did this immediately resolve his neck pain and headaches, it completely restored his neck’s ROM back to normal. Considering the time that’s elapsed since I’ve seen him (four years), he’s done remarkably well, maintaining all ranges of motion, with no return of the headaches or neck pain. Pretty cool stuff. I say this with all humility, but results like this are not uncommon in our clinic (HERE or HERE).
If you are one of the 100 million Americans struggling with some sort of CHRONIC PAIN ISSUE, I might be part of your solution. Although I see my local patients on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings are reserved for OUT-OF-STATE & INTERNATIONAL PATIENTS — just send me a history of your problem using my CONTACT PAGE and I will tell you whether or not I think I can help. For many of you, the solution could be as simple as making some inflammation-reducing lifestyle changes (HERE). Either way, I’m on your side and will do whatever I can do to help get your problem solved as quickly and inexpensively as possible.