She [the doctor] said they don’t know what causes it, and they don’t have a cure for it. They just try to control the symptoms with medication. I left that day with a prescription for a drug that MIGHT help my symptoms, but also causes liver damage, digestive tract damage and makes your hair fall out. Needless to say, I didn’t want to take the medicine. I thought to myself I have not tried nearly enough things to think that taking this medicine was a good idea.”
BEFOREThe following is an email testimonial from one of my dear friends who was diagnosed with an Autoimmune Disease six months ago. Bear in mind that the list of Autoimmune Diseases is not only ridiculously long, but it has been estimated that somewhere between 20% and 50% of the entire American population has one or more of them (HERE). Also be aware that the only way to have a hope of solving these sorts of problems is to step outside the “Medical Box”. It’s always cool to see proof of what happens when people have the courage take that step. Thanks for the email Kate. We love you guys!
The urologist’s advice left me feeling hopeless because it wasn’t addressing the underlying autoimmune issues. Dr. Schierling’s advice not only helped naturally control the symptoms I was feeling, but over time I am hopeful will heal the underlying “Leaky Gut” and bladder disease. He also warned that autoimmune diseases tend to travel in “packs”. If you have one you are very likely to get others as well. I REALLY don’t want to have any others so I am highly motivated to stick with the diet changes in the hopes of having a healthy future. One happy side-effect is in the last 6 months I have lost close to 30 pounds. My HUSBAND has joined me in this diet change journey and has also lost a substantial amount of weight. More importantly, he FEELS better and is more energized.
UPDATE: As of 2015 there has been a 100% resolution of Kate’s symptoms
Kate Burris Greenville, South Carolina