How many people do you know who rush to wait in line for hours each year for a flu shot? How many folks do you personally know with Alzheimer’s? – Dr. Russell Schierling
Mercury is toxic. Not just a little bit toxic, but incredibly toxic. In fact, mercury is widely considered to be the single most toxic non-radioactive element on the planet (HERE). And even though it’s not considered a “heavy” metal, ALUMINUM — the adjuvant used in virtually every single vaccination of any kind — is almost as bad.
Since the advent of modern, mass-produced vaccines; they almost universally contain a mercury-based compound called “Thimerosal”. Thimerosal is and has been used as an antifungal / antibacterial “stabilizer” in vaccines for over 100 years.
As you can imagine, there is an incredible amount of debate about the safety of this substance in vaccination preparations, with the GOVERNMENT, BIG PHARMA, and the medical community on one side; and parents concerned about SKYROCKETING AUTISM RATES and learning / development disabilities, the “Rogue Researchers”, and people with neuro-degenerative diseases on the other.
Although then-Governor Matt Blunt passed legislation to remove mercury from childhood vaccines several years ago in Missouri, it is still present in most adult vaccines —- popular vaccines like THE FLU SHOT. Enter Doctor Fudenberg and his research linking mercury to flu shots.
Dr. H.H. Fudenberg’s Professional Legacy
Vaccines Suppress The Immune System: As well as having harmful ingredients, vaccines suppress the immune system. Immunologist HH Fudenberg said if your dog receives just one monovalent vaccine, his cell-mediated immunity will be cut in half. And just two vaccines will lower it by 70%. Monovalent means the vaccine has a single virus. But most dogs get several at the same time. Here’s what Dr. HH Fudenberg said about 3-in-1 vaccines: “… all triple vaccines markedly impair cell-mediated immunity, which predisposes to recurrent viral infections, especially otitis media, as well as yeast and fungi infections.” – From Dana Scott’s April 13, 2021 article, Why I Don’t Give My Dogs Heartworm Medicine (And Why You Shouldn’t Either) on Dogs Naturally
Dr Hugh Fudenberg was arguably one of the most brilliant scientists of our era. Fudenberg (MD / Ph.D), an immuno-geneticist by trade, published nearly 900 scientific papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and is widely considered to be one of the top 10 or 15 most-published biomedical researchers in American history. Fudenberg, frequently abused by his peers for being an outspoken “CREATIONIST“, had a career that reads like a veritable Who’s Who of scientific academic research.
Although he was a relentless researcher from the time of his graduation from Medical School in 1953, he was one of those earlier mentioned “rouges” whose work eventually led him to a niche that would not win him many any friends inside the Industrial Scientific Complex (aka Big Pharm) —- the neuro-toxic effects of mercury in vaccines.
In 1971, while working as a Professor of Bacteriology and Immunology at the University of California, Berkeley, Fudenberg began a decade long research project on the relationship between vaccines and mercury — particularly the mercury found in Flu Vaccines. He later published two papers on his findings in the International Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Listen to him recap those findings in a speech made to the N.V.I.C. in 1997:
“If an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970 – 1980 [the years of the study] their chance of developing Alzheimer’s Disease is 10 times greater than if they had one, two or no shots.”
When asked why this is, Dr. Fudenberg stated….
“It is due to the mercury and aluminum buildup that is in every flu shot. The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes cognitive dysfunction.”
I know full well why this idea is controversial. But MOUNTAINS OF PEER-REVIEWED STUDIES over the decades since he published this study have proved Dr. Fudenberg correct time and time again.
Even though it is a well known and established medical fact that both mercury and aluminum are heavily linked to ALZHEIMER’S (as well as all sorts of other neurologically-based health-related problems), believe me when I tell you that actually publishing findings like this and connecting the dots between vaccines, mercury, and Alzheimer’s (not to mention autism), does not get a person sainted, knighted, or given a raise.
The sad truth is that after publishing his findings, Fudenberg was vilified as a blithering old quack — a man who used to know what he was talking about, but who, in the second half of his life, went so far off the deep end that we couldn’t possibly believe anything he ever said. Not surprisingly, his research has been black-listed here in America.
I would, however, ask you to take just a moment and check out his ridiculously impeccable credentials (HUGH FUDENBERG CURRICULUM VITAE) as well as the hundreds upon hundreds of studies he authored (he also served on the executive boards of over 30 journals during his career). Although he is still researching, his papers are only being published in international scientific-medical journals (mostly in Europe). Why? In similar fashion to what happened to DR. ROBERT BECKER, American journals refuse to fund him or publish his findings.
How many people do you know rush to wait in line for a flu shot each year? How many folks do you personally know with Alzheimer’s? Throw in the issue of NEUROLOGICALLY-BASED GLUTEN SENSITIVITY and things really start to get crazy Yeah, I know that your doctor, not to mention the various Alzheimer’s Associations, will pooh pooh this information, telling you it’s hocus pocus and QUACKERY. What did you expect from them?
Oh; I forgot; more EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE. A word of advice; ignore this information at your own peril! For more information, please visit THESE POSTS.
Dr Fudenberg passed away in 2014 at the age of 85 (OBITUARY). By all indications and comments, he was deeply loved and respected in his community and by his peers.
Although I had a link to Dr. Fudenberg’s Curriculum Vitae, it is gone and I can no longer find it (see bottom of page for his newly-found CV). I went to PubMed and looked up HH Fudenberg and out of the hundreds upon hundreds of studies he published, they listed (gulp) 14; none of which he was lead-author. In other words, Dr. Fudenberg has been all but totally erased; a victim of “cancel culture” before it was known as such.
Even though he has been erased from the government database, if you search “HH Fudenberg” many (many) of his studies will come up in online versions of the original journal he published in. HERE IS DR HUGH FUDENBERG’S CURRICULUM VITAE FROM THE WAYBACK MACHINE INTERNET ARCHIVES SITE!