I’m not exactly sure when I first met Dean, but it was because of his family’s involvement with ON TIME MINISTRIES; the ministry for trafficked women in Mountain Grove and Houston (Missouri). After Dean was awakened to was going on in his own proverbial back yard, he met STEVE, caught the vision, and now besides working his regular 9 to 5, he spends an increasing amount of time traveling and speaking about human trafficking and what On Time is doing about it.
Dean has dealt with CHRONIC BACK & NECK PAIN, in his words, since he was 15 years old. After treating him for the first time back in the winter (yesterday was either his second or third visit), I asked if he would be willing to do a video for us, talking about his experience here. He agreed, and although he didn’t think he did a good job (he walked away from the camera at the end saying “that was stupid“), his testimonial is anything but.
In fact, Dean did an excellent job of conveying what sets our clinic apart from so many others — the fact that we work to solve people’s chronic issues QUICKLY. No games. No sales pitches or pre-pays. And no long care plans. Just click the link to see what I’m talking about. What’s doubly crazy about Dean’s story is that his wife actually came in first and got even better results than he did (we’ll try and get a video up next week).
If you know someone who who is struggling with chronic pain; someone who needs to see this or OTHER SIMILAR, for Pete’s sake, get it in front of them! One of the easiest ways to reach the people you love and care about most is by liking, sharing, or following us on FACEBOOK. Oh; be sure to catch Dean and some of our unnamed friends from On Time (V & S, we love you) speaking about the scourge of human trafficking at Timber Ridge Baptist Church in Marshfield (HERE).