Being crushed is never fun and never really a good thing. Recently Mason was coming down a stairway on the downhill side of a heavily-loaded gurney, when the stairway collapsed. Mason landed on the ground, with the weighted gurney landing on his back. By the time I saw him on Monday (5 weeks after the fact) he had been through X-rays, a CT SCAN, and an MRI — all negative.
And even though he had been to the doctor several times, been prescribed most of THE BIG FIVE, been through some THERAPY, and had his spine INJECTED before being released to go back to work because his doctor said there was nothing wrong with him, his lower mid back was still bruised and he didn’t think there was any way he could do his job without taking PAIN MEDS, something he can’t really do on a job where all faculties are needed all the time.
After running Mason through some simple tests, I determined that he was being “TETHERED” in several places, which I proceeded to address, breaking the FASCIAL ADHESIONS that had formed from his injury that ran all the way from his THORACOLUMBAR FASCIA to his CERVICAL FASCIA. Honestly, it was a mess. The video below was shot yesterday (Mason was so excited by his results he brought a family member to see me — I did not need to treat him again). The cool thing is about being treated in my clinic is that results like Mason’s are not an aberration (HERE).
If you feel that your doctors are missing the boat with your condition, give us a holler and we’ll see if we can help. Not every person gets such quick and amazing results AS THESE, but there are no games played here. If I think I can help you I’ll treat you same day, and unless the problem is a disc, you’ll know very quickly if this approach is going to work (HERE).
Patient Testimonial
As always, realize that addressing systemic inflammation is a critical part of any long-term plan to return to health. It’s your lucky day because I am giving you a generic template for doing just that (HERE). And if you find yourself spending more time on our site than originally intended, be sure to spread the wealth. Fortunately, FACEBOOK makes it easy to reach the folks you love and care about most, simply by liking, sharing, or following.