It seems that things often go in cycles. On Wednesday, we treated several cases of PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME as well as a number of shoulder problems. One individual — a local rancher (hopefully we’ll get a video from him on his next visit in a couple of weeks) had come in because he heard that we fix shoulder problems. He was that combination of skeptical desperation. He did not think that we could help him, but he desperately wanted to avoid another shoulder surgery if at all possible.
He had already been through one Rotator Cuff Surgery and because his other shoulder now felt the same way, he and his wife had actually crossed off time on the calender later this winter for him to have surgery on his other Rotator Cuff — the one he was seeing me for. He was fairly dumbfounded when he left the office. His shoulder’s Range of Motion was almost normal, and his pain was at least 75% better —- instantly. His shoulder pain was due to that typical combination of TENDINOSIS and FASCIAL ADHESIONS.
Here are the three SHOULDER TESTIMONIAL VIDEOS we shot throughout the day on Wednesday. Feel free to visit our ROTATOR CUFF PAGE as well.
local friend of hers who had a serious, long-term, shoulder problem that we were able to fix several years ago. She is back to have her other shoulder fixed.