Hollywood Actor Finds Relief From Chronic Shoulder Pain in Mountain View

After watching the movie Green Book a few years ago, OUR FAMILY had no idea it would go on to win the Academy Award for “Best Picture,” but we did know that we had watched a truly great film. Wikipedia describes the movie thusly…..
Set in 1962, the film is inspired by the true story of a tour of the Deep South by African American classical and jazz pianist Don Shirley and Italian American bouncer Frank “Tony The Lip” Vallelonga who served as Shirley’s driver and bodyguard. The film is named after The Negro Motorist Green Book, a mid-20th century guidebook for African-American travelers written by Victor Hugo Green.
I met Jim — a career LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) and Hollywood actor who played the part of a racist Mississippi cop in the movie — a couple of years ago when he came to see me for a CHRONIC SHOULDER PROBLEM. I would like to tell you that he, like any number of others, had come to see me because he had heard the buzz about our clinic, but that would not be in the least bit true. The reality is that Jim’s folks live near Mountain View and he came to see me because his mom — one of the most amazing women you’ll ever hope to meet — told him he should.
There was nothing particularly unique about Jim’s problem (IT WAS FASCIA-BASED SCAR TISSUE), including the fact that it was preventing him from working out properly. I got him fixed up, and in all honesty the best part about meeting Jim is that I now get to see him a couple times a year when he comes to visit his folks! It’s always a blast to jaw for a few minutes and catch up.
If you want to watch one of the scenes from Green Book with Jim in it, HERE you go. And if you are interested in taking a look at more TESTIMONIALS like Jim’s, just follow the link. Already looking forward to our next meeting Jim (if you and M are here this summer, let’s hit the CURRENT RIVER for an afternoon!)!
A Testimonial From Jim Klock’s Mom
Super cool stuff from Jim’s Mom. She had such good results that I asked her for a video. She didn’t want to do that but I got this letter, out-of-the-blue, two and a half years later. We love you Carol!
NOTE: My conscious finally got me going and the Holy Spirit kicked in and you got words in writing that others have heard for over two and half years. So sorry, it has taken me more than two and half years to put it in writing what I share with others from my heart. So I am sure it will have many more words than even my normal wordy correspondence (whether written or oral).
Dr. Russell Schierling, D. C. This has been a long time coming — not because it has not been thought about or mulled over a million times or even shared orally with anyone who would listen to how an unexpected blesseing occurred. But because I am a procrastinator – Big Time Procrastinator!
I had a huge physical problem that impaired all areas of my life. I could not turn my head. My neck was locked in place — forward — I could not turn my head to the left or right. I could only see as far as my eyes could look to the left or right. I was miserable — trying to sleep was even difficult. I had seen Doctors, Chiropractors, Massage Therapist, and even Herbalists without any results. My best friend told me about you. That you had helped her and her husband and I should give you a call.
Well I was slow to act because I felt I had tried so much and prayed so hard for guidance. Cheryl, your encouragement and willingness to work with me explaining the process, the cost and the desire to provide every patient the best possible medical treatment and personal attention they needed to understand what was happening and how to heal. I truly appreciated how you quickly took care of everything for me to be seen quickly. Once I met Dr. Schierling and talked about what was going on and had an evaluation I felt like someone truly understood what was going on.
He immediately went into action — tissue remodeling — ‘RELIEF’ – yes, it is true I looked like a dozer had run over me afterwards and many thought I had an abusive husband I was protecting. So funny! Well, the bottom line is all it took was one visit and Dr. Schierling took care of my problem. No more pain, my neck returned to normal, my prayers were answered. Since then I have seen Dr. Schierling a few times for adjustments when needed and requested his services for few more family members.
My son who works all over the country hurt his shoulder and suffered for months (yes, he had also seen a doctor and chiropractor). I made him an appointment over Thanksgiving and the results from tissue remodeling also fixed his problem. Within the week he had his wife fly out from Virginia for an appointment for a neck injury from working out and she was amazed from the results of tissue remodeling. It doesn’t end there.
My daughter, a NP from West Plains sees him and my son-in-law, a football coach from Warrensburg comes down to see him. He is an amazing and gifted man who has been given a gift to heal others medical expertise and with dignity, and heart. The best gift of the holidays came when Cheryl got my eleven year old granddaughter in on New Year’s Eve. She had been talking to me about her concerns starting softball practice after the Holiday’s. She is a pitcher (very good) but during basketball season she had fell on a quick turn and then another player fell on top of her. She had ribs out of place and a big knot and swelling on her right side. She didn’t think she could do the wind up and didn’t want to disappoint her coach. Cheryl talked to Dr. Schierling and they made time for her. She also had tissue remodeling ( their was scar tissue were the ribs were out of place that had to be broken up and the knot and swelling. Dr. Schierling explained it all to her before he started and then gave her stretches to do afterwards. He also requested her parents have an x-ray. to make sure nothing else was going on.
It was amazing how improved her movement was and how the swelling went down. The next day she was excited about starting practice. The knot was smaller she was smiling and grateful for a doctor who had kid skills and talked her language. Last night she called and said, Nana, after all the time I hurt and was so worried my prayers were answered. Dr. Schierling explained to me what happened when I fell and what I needed to do to keep it better and now I can do what I love to do play ball!
One more quick reminder, if you appreciate what we are doing in Mountain View — as of this week I’m starting my (gulp) fourth decade in practice here — be sure to spread the wealth by liking, sharing, or following on FACEBOOK. It’s still one of the best ways to reach those you love and care about most! Oh; I can’t end this post without asking you to support Special Olympics (HERE and HERE).