Have you ever competed with or against a person who is truly a game-changer? Webster’s defines game-changer as, “a newly introduced element or factor that changes an existing situation or activity in a significant way.” In sports, a game-changer is someone who may not be the most talented or ballyhooed player at his position (DAVID ECKSTEIN comes immediately to mind), but when it comes to competing / winning, they’re all business. They go all out and hold nothing back. These are individuals who have a laser-like focus at the task at hand, whatever that particular task may be, in order to accomplish their goal.
Because of the specialized work we do here in Mountain View, I see lots of people who come quite a distance to see me (HERE). As much as I would love to tell you that I help all of them, that would be untrue. But I’m able to help a lot of them (HERE). And even if I am not able to help them like they wanted, my goal is always to be a game-changer with my patients in as many ways as possible.
When you come see me, whether you’re coming from here in town, West Plains, SPRINGFIELD, or distant states or other countries, I’m all about helping you find a solution for your problem. Although my specialized work with FASCIA-BASED chronic pain syndromes (HERE are some of them) is usually what compels people to come from long distances to see me, my ultimate goal is always that you leave here with information that allows you to begin addressing some of your own problems on a higher level. Whether you have CHRONIC ILLNESSES, AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES, or CHRONIC PAIN, you’ll get something you can take home with you and start the process of fixing yourself (HERE is my online office handout I currently use with patients).
Despite the insane flooding that’s been going on in our region (HERE), the roads should be open to head to St. Louis this evening with my son so that we can attend a 16 hour seminar put on by FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGIST, Thomas Culleton on FUNCTIONAL ENDOCRINOLOGY — another of the many developed by arguably the most brilliant physician on the planet, DATIS KHARAZZIAN. It’s going to cost me.
It’s going to cost me some time (a Spring weekend of being indoors in gorgeous weather). There will be a number of travel and meal expenses as well. And as you might imagine, the seminar itself was not inexpensive (it’s the price you pay to hear elite speakers presenting cutting-edge material). But I’m really looking forward to going because I know I’ll come away with “game-changing” information and treatment methods. Bottom line, it’s not uncommon for me to do this sort of thing — to travel to wherever I need to travel to if I feel the payoff in patient results will be worth it in the end. If I feel it can help me become a game-changer.
Some of you are wondering if coming to see me might be worth the trip. The first step in that process is sending me an email with a brief history of your problem (HERE). If I think you have a problem I might be able to help you with, I will tell you. Don’t be upset if I tell you I can’t (HERE). Here’s the best thing about the whole process. If I believe I can help and you come to see me, you will know in a treatment if that is the case. No tricks. No bait-and-switch. No up-selling. No long and drawn out treatment schedules. No “but it’s the worst case I’ve ever seen“. In a word, no games. In fact, HERE is what a first visit looks like, and HERE is what it costs. Easy and inexpensive.
If you want to see what makes me different, all you have to do is look at THIS SHORT POST or watch a few of our hundreds of VIDEO TESTIMONIALS. And for those of you struggling with who-knows-what kinds of health-related problems or chronic pain, THIS PAGE is for you. All free of charge of course. It’s time for you to get off the fence, take matters into your own hands, and start taking your life back. If I can be a game-changer for you, I consider it a privilege.