Back in the Dark Ages, the term “pudding” was used to describe something very different than what it is used to describe today. As strange as it may seem to us now, pudding was more like a sausage than anything else. There was “Black Pudding” (blood pudding), “White Pudding” (a happy mixture of oatmeal, onions, and lard), and about everything in between. These “puddings” were usually made from what we would refer to today as “mystery meats“. Various parts, whose quality and freshness were questionable at best, were packed into long rolls of pig or sheep intestines and called “pudding” (as they say, parts is parts). The tentative eating habits that grew out of eating these questionable meat products resulted in an old proverb; the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The saying was eventually shortened to “The proof is in the pudding“. It simply meant that some things can’t be faked. The meaning of the saying as we use it today is a lesson in pragmatism —– the only real test of something, is that it functions as intended.
The range of motion in his cervical spine was terrible (almost non-existent), and he had an array of odd signs and symptoms (for one, he had tight hamstrings that affected his neck if he did not continually stretch them). He had widespread FASCIAL ADHESIONS with some TENDINOSIS thrown in here and there. I worked on Mike three times over the course of four days, and would guess that he is at least 80% better as far as pain is concerned, and infinitely better as far as his range of motion. But don’t take my word for it; watch the video! BTW, Thanks Mike!
I specifically tell patients that these videos are not meant be an advertisement. Our hope is that they give others hope. There are so many people suffering with various CHRONIC PAIN SYNDROMES, that are not being helped by the myriad of things they have tried, my goal is to give them some hope. Yes, there are people just like you who have been given a SOLID GOLD BRICK in the form of having their lives given back to them.