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antibiotics cause cancer


Antibiotics Cancer

Mohamed Hassan – Giza/Egypt – Pixabay

“Most of us have had a doctor prescribe an antibiotic for a stubborn bacterial infection, or for a cut that gets infected. However, prescribing an antibiotic to fight cancer? In fact, anti-cancer antibiotics have been used since the 1950s to successfully treat several forms of cancer, but often the side effects limit the duration they can be given to a patient.”  From the June 29th, 2011 issue of ScienceDaily.  Today I am going to show you that antibiotics are, without a doubt, related to increased chances of developing cancer.

What if one of our medical mainstays was actually destroying our collective health?  This is exactly what has happened (and continues to happen) here in America.   I have SHOWN YOU over and over again that not only are Antibiotics way over-prescribed (HERE), but there are many different ways in which they can destroy your health.  Not surprisingly, there’s ample evidence in the peer-reviewed scientific literature linking Antibiotics to CANCER.  Should we be surprised knowing that this class of drugs destroys one’s Immune System? Of course not!  And for those of you who think I’m blowing hot air, allow me to show you some studies linking Antibiotics to cancer.  These are in no particular order.

  • Dr. Christine Velicer of the University of Washington’s Department of Epidemiology and her team of researchers published a study in the February 2004 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (Antibiotic Use in Relation to the Risk of Breast Cancer).  This study concluded that, “Use of antibiotics is associated with increased risk of incident and fatal breast cancer.”  Women who took less than 25 prescriptions of Antibiotics over a 17 year period had a 50% greater chance of developing BREAST CANCER than those who took none.


  • The British Journal of Cancer published a study in Y2K called Does Antibacterial Treatment for Urinary Tract Infection Contribute to the Risk of Breast Cancer?  In this study, researchers looked at the medical records of almost 9,500 women from 18 to 89 and stated in the study’s abstract that, “Women reporting previous or present medication for urinary tract infection at baseline showed an elevated breast cancer risk in comparison with other women.


  • In a recent study that was presented at the June 2013 annual meeting of the American Society for Clinical Oncology, the Antibiotic consumption of 86,000 individuals without Colon Cancer was compared to the Antibiotic consumption of 22,000 patients with Colorectal Cancer.  The results revealed that those who took Antibiotics (particularly “penicillins, quinolones and metronidazole“) had an approximately 10% greater chance of developing Colorectal Cancer.  No other forms of cancer were studied.  By the way, if you are even thinking about taking FLUOROQUINOLONES, you should first click on the link.


  • There are any number of Alternative Doctors (including the brilliant KEVIN CONNERS of Minnesota) that believe Cancer is heavily related to yeast — particularly CANDIDA.  The chief method that people develop Systemic Candida (yeast infection throughout the body) is by taking Antibiotics.


  • The November 2008 issue of the International Journal of Cancer published a massive study (Antibiotic Use Predicts an Increased Risk of Cancer) linking Antibiotic use to increased chances of developing numerous kinds of cancer, including that of the “prostate, breast, lung and colon“.   This study looked at over three million citizens of Finland, ages 30 to 79, who did not have cancer in the years between 1995-1997.  The 134,000 cases of cancer diagnosed between 1998 and 2004 were compared to the medical records of the first goup to see if there was a link between the cancer and the amount of Antibiotics taken.  Without getting into the specific numbers (all forms of cancer were increased substatially, and cancer of the ENDOCRINE SYSTEM was dramatically affected by antibiotics) suffice it to say that the chances of developing all forms of cancer were greater in those who had taken Antibiotics.  The study’s conclusions in the abstract were simple and straightforward.  “In conclusion, antibiotic use predicts an increased risk of cancer.

I could keep going, but I am hoping you are beginning to get the picture.  Antibiotics are bad news because they decimate the HEALTH OF YOUR GUT.  We can’t feign surprise because, after all, 80% of your body’s total Immune system lives in your Gut (HERE).  Not only do Antibiotics destroy your microbiome (the number of different species of good bacteria living in your Gut), but recent research is pointing to the fact that because Mitochondrial DNA is similar to the DNA of bacteria, Antibiotics destroy Mitochondrial function.  You see, the Mitochondria are known as the “Powerhouse of the Cell”.  It’s where all the energy to power your body comes from in the form of something called ATP (read more about this on our COLD LASER page).  Research from one of last year’s issues of Science Translational Medicine (Bactericidal Antibiotics Induce Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative Damage in Mammalian Cells) revealed how Antibiotics destroy health by destroying Mitochondrial function.  Listen to these cherry-picked sentences from Jim Collins, a professor of biomedical engineering at Boston University, and his team (this is from the study’s abstract). 

Prolonged antibiotic treatment can lead to detrimental side effects in patients, including ototoxicity [causes problems with hearing and balance], nephrotoxicity [kidney poisoning], and tendinopathy [HERE], yet the mechanisms underlying the effects of antibiotics in mammalian systems remain unclear. It has been suggested that bactericidal antibiotics induce the formation of toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) [Free Radicals — known cancer-causers] in bacteria. We show that clinically relevant doses of bactericidal antibiotics—quinolones [HERE], aminoglycosides, and β-lactams—cause mitochondrial dysfunction and ROS overproduction in mammalian cells. We demonstrate that these bactericidal antibiotic–induced effects lead to oxidative damage to DNA, proteins, and membrane lipids. Mice treated with bactericidal antibiotics exhibited elevated oxidative stress markers in the blood, oxidative tissue damage, and up-regulated expression of key genes involved in antioxidant defense mechanisms…..


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