Listen up folks, hopefully those of you who read this blog on at least a semi-regular basis are already up on some of this information. If you search my blog, you already know how much I have warned people about the multitudes of problems associated with any and all ANTIBIOTIC USE. These problems range from destruction of the immune system (80% OF ENTIRE IMMUNE SYSTEM IS FOUND IN THE GUT), to the numerous ENDOCRINE (hormonal) problems associated with a body that’s over-loaded with bad bacteria (DYSBIOSIS). If you are not up on this topic, I would beg you to take a few minutes to study.
What type of probiotics do I recommend? The same kind of probiotics that I personally take on a daily basis. We carry a broad-spectrum HSO probiotic that contains the same bacteria (nearly 20 different strains) found in organic soil. Do not use store-bought yogurt as a source of probiotic. A small cup often times has more sugar than a soda. And guess what bad bacteria’s food of choice is? That’s right —- sugar. People start the process of Dysbiosis via antibiotic use, and feed it via our unbridled sugar and starch consumption. Don’t waste your time with cheap, cheesy probiotics that are nothing more than hype. MORE ON PROBIOTICS
While research into the link between antibiotics and fat is still ongoing, overuse of these powerful drugs is already widely recognized as dangerous due to the growing threat of drug-resistant SUPERBUGS. Remember, the medical profession itself admits that nearly half of all antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary. They don’t work on colds, flu or other viral illnesses.
Where do you start? If you do not grasp the seriousness of taking antibiotics, you and your family are at serious risk to suffer the consequences listed in the article above (not to mention MY OTHER BLOG ARTICLES ON ANTIBIOTICS). You must understand that even if you have not taken antibiotics recently, your health-related problems might still by caused by antibiotics. Remember, “New York University epidemiologist Yu Chen found that infection with H. Pylori, which typically occurs before age 10” Yes, it occurs before the age of 10. However, it is not usually discovered until adulthood —– if it is ever discovered at all. Many people go to their graves with problems linked to H. Pylori & other forms of Dysbiosis. Like I have been saying for years, doctors are not up on this information. And if they do happen to determine that someone has H. Pylori, can you guess how they go about treating it? That’s right —- more antibiotics. The very thing that caused the problem in the first place! Talk about job security!