“Metals are the oldest toxins known to humans and differ from other toxic substances in that they are neither created nor destroyed by humans. Metals are of great importance in our daily life and their frequent use makes their omnipresence and a constant source of human exposure. Metals such as arsenic, lead, mercury, aluminum and cadmium do not have any specific role in an organism and can be toxic even at low levels. Besides existing individually, these metals are mainly found as mixtures in various parts of the ecosystem.
Interactions among components of a mixture may change toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics and may result in greater (synergistic) toxicity. This is particularly worrisome when the components of the mixture individually attack the same organs.” Cherry-picked from the abstract of an issue of this year’s Advances in Neurobiology (Neurotoxicity of Metal Mixtures).
“Aluminum (Al) is one of the most extended metals in the Earth’s crust. Its abundance, together with the widespread use by humans, makes Al-related toxicity particularly relevant for human health. Despite some factors that influence individual bioavailability to this metal after oral, dermal, or inhalation exposures, humans are considered to be protected against Al toxicity because of its low absorption and efficient renal excretion.
However, several factors can modify Al absorption and distribution through the body, which may in turn progressively contribute to the development of silent chronic exposures that may trigger undesirable consequences to health.” From the same issue of the same journal (Aluminum and Alzheimer’s Disease).
“Aluminum has no known beneficial physiological action in the human body. Therefore, a strong case can be made for avoiding unnecessary exposure to environmental sources of aluminium salts, especially on the part of children, pregnant mothers and women of child-bearing age who may become pregnant.
The avoidance of immunizations which do not contain aluminum salts as adjuvants has wider political and financial implications. It would seem prudent to try to find an alternative to aluminum adjuvants as soon as possible and phase out their use.” From the final study being discussed today.
Have you seen the brand new study by fifty physicians and researchers published in the latest edition of the Lancet (The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health)? It’s nothing short of a shocker. The study’s first few sentences reveal that….
“Pollution is the largest environmental cause of disease and premature death in the world today. Diseases caused by pollution were responsible for an estimated 9 million premature deaths in 2015—16% of all deaths worldwide—three times more deaths than from AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined and 15 times more than from all wars and other forms of violence. In the most severely affected countries, pollution-related disease is responsible for more than one death in four.”
Re-read that and let it sink in.
Considering that the number of studies on pollution is exploding, I’m not surprised. But today I don’t want to talk about mortality (death) caused by pollution, I want to talk about an even bigger problem; morbidity (sickness). A great example of this phenomenon can be seen concerning the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide — GLYPHOSATE.
A brand new study, this one from JAMA Network (Excretion of the Herbicide Glyphosate in Older Adults Between 1993 and 2016) showed that over the course of the last decade and a half, Glyphosate concentrations in humans (as measured by urine levels) have increased by over 1,200% (nope, it’s not a misprint). Although these authors are not sure of all the consequences, suffice it to say that the ones they mentioned could not in any way be considered good. But enough about Glyphosate (everyone knows it’s bad stuff); let’s talk about aluminum for a moment.
Seven percent of the earth’s crust is made up of aluminum. But in order to be used, it must be processed from a mineral-rich clay / rock known as bauxite into its usable form — the metal we know today as aluminum. In 1973, a researcher from the School of Mines just up the road in Rolla (it’s now called Missouri University of Science and Technology), published a study in the Journal of Metals (Air Pollution in the Aluminum Industry) which concluded that in the United States, “Close to a quarter-billion dollars has been invested in air pollution controls for primary aluminum smelters… but 115,000 tons of pollutants still got away“.
What are the consequences of all this elemental aluminum making it into our environment? (BTW, the Lancet study mentioned above showed particulate matter to be the fastest growing and biggest subset of pollution-related mortality.)
In 2001, the Archives of Environmental Health published a study called Health Effects of Residential Exposure to Aluminum Plant Air Pollution in which they compared a number of health parameters in people living different distances from Brazilian aluminum smelters.
“Dust deposition was collected in the residences of participants, and the dust was analyzed for aluminum content. There were significantly different levels of aluminum in the two communities; the highest quantities were found near the aluminum plant. Measurements from independent studies indicated that both 24-hr maximum values and annual mean concentrations of suspended particulate matter exceeded the average of international standards in the aluminum plant area.”
They then compared physicians records and hospital admission in these towns. “The results suggested that exposure to greater air pollution in the aluminum plant area versus the control area resulted in statistically significant health effects…” Believe me when I tell you that I could have given you many more studies on the harmful effects of aluminum pollution on humans.
One of the more interesting things I learned while researching this post is the way(s) that aluminum pollution screws up plants as well as animals. In similar fashion to the last study, research from April’s issue of Environmental Science and Pollution Research International (Pinus Sylvestris as a Bio-Indicator of Territory Pollution From Aluminum Smelter Emissions) revealed that the needles of pine trees had increasing amounts of aluminum in them the closer they were to the aluminum smelter. What does this mean?
A Chinese study from last month’s issue of Environmental Pollution (Distinct Physiological and Molecular Responses in Arabidopsis Thaliana Exposed to Aluminum…..) showed that exposure of certain plants to a common aluminum-based compound, aluminum oxide (Al2O3), “decreased shoot and root weight by 57.01% and 45.15%, respectively. This toxic effect was coupled to a range of response at the gene transcription level including increase transcription of antioxidant-related genes and transcription of genes involved in plant defense response to pathogens.“
Last year, BMC Geriatric (Environmental Risk Factors for Dementia: A Systematic Review) concluded that yes, aluminum exposure is a risk factor for dementia — something we’ve known for most of my lifetime (HERE) because there are dozens, if not hundreds of studies on this fact. One of the ways scientists study Alzheimer’s is to create it in lab rats.
A new method as outlined in the Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Science showed that it only takes a week to accomplish this. “Co-administration of AlCl3 and D-galactose [sugar] for one week could induce AD like symptoms and may be used to develop AD animal model.” If you are curious to see sugar’s link to Alzheimer’s, HERE it is. This is certainly freaky, but the problems with aluminum go way beyond Alzheimer’s — they cover a whole spectrum of neurological diseases.
A collaboration between physicians and researchers from England, Wales, and ARKANSAS (College of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Arkansas Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Little Rock), was published in the July issue of Metabolic Brain Disease (The Putative Role of Environmental Aluminum in the Development of Chronic Neuropathology in Adults and Children…). In this study, they not only looked at Alzheimer’s as related to aluminum exposure, but any number of other aluminum-related diseases including AUTISM. Their conclusions should knock your socks off (I know it’s kind of long — read it! — it’s two minutes out of your life).
“The conceptualization of autistic spectrum disorder and Alzheimer’s disease has undergone something of a paradigm shift in recent years and rather than being viewed as single illnesses with a unitary pathogenesis and pathophysiology they are increasingly considered to be heterogeneous syndromes with a complex multifactorial etiopathogenesis, involving a highly complex and diverse combination of genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors. One such environmental factor implicated as a potential cause in both syndromes is aluminum, as an element or as part of a salt, received, for example, in oral form or as an adjuvant.
Such administration has the potential to induce pathology via several routes such as provoking dysfunction and/or activation of glial cells which play an indispensable role in the regulation of central nervous system homeostasis and neurodevelopment. Other routes include the generation of oxidative stress, depletion of reduced glutathione, direct and indirect reductions in mitochondrial performance and integrity, and increasing the production of proinflammatory cytokines in both the brain and peripherally. The mechanisms whereby environmental aluminum could contribute to the development of the highly specific pattern of neuropathology seen in Alzheimer’s disease are described.
Also detailed are several mechanisms whereby significant quantities of aluminum introduced via immunization could produce chronic neuropathology in genetically susceptible children. Accordingly, it is recommended that the use of aluminum salts in immunizations should be discontinued and that adults should take steps to minimize their exposure to environmental aluminum.
Evidence of the neurotoxicity of aluminum includes: an association between chronic aluminum exposure and the development of Alzheimer’s Disease; the involvement of aluminum adjuvants in the development of ASIA [Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants]; and epidemiological evidence pointing to an association between the use of aluminum adjuvants and Autism Spectrum Disorders.
There is good evidence to suggest that immunization may accelerate or precipitate the transition between subclinical and overt symptomatic autoimmune conditions within the first 30 days post-immunization, particularly in those younger than 50 years of age.”
Interesting, because on my site I deal extensively with most of what they mentioned — GLIAL CELL ACTIVATION, OXIDATIVE STRESS, GLUTATHIONE DEPLETION, MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION, AUTOIMMUNITY, AUTISM, as well as PRO-INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES, all of which are driven not so much by genetics, but by EPIGENETICS. About the only thing they left out here were “THE LEAKIES,” which the body of the study dealt with at length. According to these mainstream authors, aluminum as an adjuvant is problematic. Period. Why is this important to know? Simply because aluminum is considered the “UNIVERSAL ADJUVANT“.
Since germs alone don’t typically cause enough of an immune system reaction, adjuvants are added to vaccines to intentionally create inflammation / neuroinflammation, which for better or worse, cranks up immune system reactivity — often times to dangerous levels. Thus, what we are doing with our EVER-INCREASING numbers of mandated vaccines, is swapping out lifelong CHRONIC DEGENERATIVE INFLAMMATORY DISEASES and autoimmunity, for mostly short-term childhood illnesses that everyone used to get, of which increasing numbers of scientists are saying we need a certain amount of to properly “develop” our immune systems.
Look folks; this is no longer “ANTIVAXXERS” and weirdos like me saying that ALUMINUM is bad stuff. If you want more studies like this, just take a peek at some of the shocking quotes I pulled from dozens of similar studies in the “Universal Adjuvant” link from the previous paragraph. The two classes of drugs I’ve been warning my patients and readers about for almost three decades — classes of drugs that have the greatest potential to dramatically foul NORMAL HOMEOSTASIS AND PHYSIOLOGY (yours or your baby’s) — are VACCINES and ANTIBIOTICS.
Once you begin to understand how they affect your MICROBIOME and overall GUT HEALTH (where 80% of your immune system lives — HERE), you’ll start to grasp why this is such a critical issue if you value the long-term health of your family.
The point of this post is to show you the double-mindedness and hypocrisy within the biomedical community on this issue (HERE is an example my brother, an ER physician, recently wrote about in a mainstream medical journal). They are thrilled to talk about the research showing just how dangerous environmental pollution is, but when those same pollutants are routinely and repeatedly injected into newborns, infants, and children (not to mention adults), bypassing normal defenses and barriers, we’re supposed to somehow believe that they are safe — and then treated as stupid if we as much as question the status quo.
It’s one more reason that you had better take everything your doctor tells you with a grain of salt. It used to be an open secret that a huge portion of what we call EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE has been sold to the highest bidder. It’s no longer a secret, it’s just plain open. Be sure and like, share or follow on FACEBOOK if this info resonated with you!