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adhd rates are exploding



Gerd Altmann – Freiburg/Deutschland – Pixabay

“The rates of childhood attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis has increased by nearly 25% over the past decade, researchers [Darios Getahun, MD, PhD, and colleagues of Kaiser Permanente Southern California Medical Group] found.”     The work of Dr. Getahun and colleagues from JAMA Pediatrics as reported on Medpage Today

Should we really be surprised at this information?  If we really stop and think about it, how could we be?  We live in society characterized and defined by fast food, JUNK FOOD, SUGAR ADDICTION, CRAZY AMOUNTS OF VACCINATIONS, overt consumption of TRANS FATS, OBESITY, GLUTEN SENSITIVITY, AUTISM, violent movies and video games, online porn, and a virtually negligible intake of EPA & DHA and other essential fats.  Not to mention, the average person is getting almost no WHOLE FOODS in their diets, with few getting enough quality EXERCISE.  On top of that, too many people are spending hours upon hours texting or blankly staring at screens of all kinds.   Truthfully, the only thing we should be surprised about is that the rates of ADHD are not higher than they are!

If you are a person who either struggles with ADHD yourself, or have children with ADHD; become proactive and intervene.  Step up to the plate and be the parent you should be.  Their / your future depends on it!  Educate yourself.  Read.  Click on the links.  Don’t sit there in sheep-like fashion watching Seinfeld reruns while your doctor “medicates” you or your family with drugs in the Methamphetamine family (Adderall and Ritalin).  Take the steps to defeat ADHD naturally.


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