To the right is the “stable” (cave) where Christ may have been born. “Wrapped in Swaddling Clothing and Lying in a Manger“. These are just two of the nearly 400 Old Testament Scriptures that were fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. All of these prophecies were written at least 400 years prior to His birth —- many are much older than that. What are the odds that one man could fulfill all these prophecies? The numbers are staggering.
To fulfill just eight of them, /Josh McDowell calculated that you would have to (blindfolded) pick a red silver dollar out of a two foot deep pile of silver dollars —– the size of Texas. To fulfill all 400 of them is too staggering to even comprehend. It is no accident. Christ is exactly who he claimed to be —- the very son of God (MATT 16: 16-17). Take some time this Christmas season to read the biblical account of Christmas (HERE), and reflect on Christ.