Dear Dr. Russ,
I just read your article on Fibromyalgia and Adrenal Fatigue. Congratulations. At last a common sense and educated explanation on fibromyalgia. I have had fibro for 17 years and have had all the debilitating, insidious symptoms and am estrogen dominant as well. Over a year ago, I hit a low point and was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident. A blind corner, high sugar cane, sun in my eyes, and believing the road was clear, I drove into the pathway of a fully loaded B Double truck traveling at 100km/ hr [63 mph]. I had my son in the car with me. A horrific accident. I had to take responsibility as I was the driver at fault. There were injuries and a lengthy legal process followed. My stress levels were incredibly high for many months. This was a turning point in my life. I had two choices, take control of my life or continue to dive into the vicious abyss of fibromyalgia flareups and depression. I chose life.
I stopped taking prescription drugs, began a dietary change to heal the gut, whilst working towards overcoming adrenal fatigue, through diet, adrenal fatigue supplements, DIM supplemental, meditation and gentle exercise ( now managing light resistance training). To heal the body and mind is a long and arduous journey. There is no wonder drug that will cure all or quick fixed solution. To heal is to take control of one’s health, to be informed and educated, to follow a healthy diet and maintain a positive outlook in life and most importantly, not to give up — a choice of not becoming a victim of fibromyalgia.
Thanks for your common sense and well informed article. A refreshing changed from the plethora of trash the fibromyalgia industry has become.
Kind Regards,