It’s not a shock that PRESCRIPTION STIMULANTS (the two most common are Ritalin and Adderall) are being abused. What is shocking (kind of like the SLEEPING PILL STUDY I recently shared with you) is the extent to which it’s happening. Case in point, a study from this month’s issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry (Prevalence and Correlates of Prescription Stimulant Use, Misuse, Use Disorders, and Motivations for Misuse Among Adults in the United States).
The study revealed that approximately 2% of our adult population (5 million) are abusing these drugs. Furthermore, almost 7% of the population (16 million adults) have taken these stimulants in the past year.
Researchers from the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, both of which are in Maryland, used the 2015 and 2016 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health to show that close to half a million adult Americans have “use disorders” (addictions) when it comes to these stimulants. Where are they getting them?
“The most likely source of misused prescription stimulants was by obtaining them free from friends or relatives (56.9%). More frequent prescription stimulant misuse and use disorder were associated with an increased likelihood of obtaining medications from physicians or from drug dealers or strangers and less likelihood of obtaining them from friends or relatives.“
America has a CULTURE OF DRUG USE, both pushed and prescribed. At less than 5% of the world’s population, we are, according to our own governmental statistics, using 75% of the world’s prescription medications (HERE). I don’t care who you are or what your belief system is, that’s ridiculous.
If you are looking to get off the medical merry-go-round and start taking your life back from a group that sees you as nothing more than a commodity (Big Pharma), I’ve created a simple (and free) protocol that will help most of you get the ball rolling (HERE). And be sure to show some love on FACEBOOK if you are enjoying our site.