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fast food is bad for the brain —– duh!


Fast Food Brain


Researchers have found that there’s a part of your body that might actually shrink when you eat too much fast food.  Unfortunately, it’s your brain.  People with diets high in trans fats are more likely to experience the kind of brain shrinkage associated with Alzheimer’s disease than people who consume less of the artery-damaging fats.  Sharon Kirkey from a December 29, 2011 Postmedia News story called, Fast Food May Damage Your Brain.  The article was summarizing a study recently published in the journal Neurology.
Researchers found a direct correlation  between the amount of sugar and TRANS FATS foods that they students stated they consumes and their (lack of) performance on the tests. Students who said that they ate “junk food” 4 to 6 times each week scored an average of 6.96 points lower in reading, while the pupils who stated that they ate “junk food” daily were were 16.07 points below average.  Test subjects who ate fast food at every meal were, not surprisingly, the worst: 19.34 points below average.

For the mathematics tests, students who consumed fast food 4 to 6 times each week had scores 6.55 points below average.  Daily consumption equated to a drop of 14.82 points, while the three-”junk food”-meals-a-day students scored 18.48 points below average.

This is not rocket science people!   For information on how to eat healthier, visit my WHOLE FOODS PAGE.  Oh, what do I recommend diet-wise?  Try going PALEO for a month and watch your INFLAMMATION and CHRONIC PROBLEMS start to dissipate.


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