“I had developed a problem in my left thumb. It would click at the joint when I tried to bend it, and finally got to the point where I couldn’t bend it at all. When I would hit it or it would get bent involuntarily in day-to-day activities, the pain was so excruciating that I would nearly pass out. I had been to a member of the medical community for a workman’s comp problem and asked what he thought about my thumb. Without hesitation he told me it was “Trigger Thumb” and I would have to have surgery to fix it.
I asked Dr. Schierling on my next visit, and he told me it was “DeQuervain’s Syndrome”, and that his Tissue Remodeling method of treatment would help. Since I was getting ready to leave on a trip, he did a very light treatment to see if it would help me. It did. It got me through my trip without pain. When I got back he did a more intense treatment. That’s been several months ago, and I still have full use of the hand without pain. I have been going to chiropractors for just about 40 years and there is very seldom anything I have to see an MD about.”
Hand, WRIST, and thumb pain are common — dog common. Usually they are some form of TENDINOSIS. If you have CHRONIC PAIN, make sure to see if we can help before climbing on the MEDICAL MERRY-GO-ROUND and going for NEEDLESS MRI’S or CORTICOSTEROID INJECTIONS. HERE are my Blog Posts on DeQuervain’s Syndrome.