The WHO (World Health Organization) is the medical arm of the United Nations. Yesterday they published their recommendations for solving the world’s health problems in a paper called Time to Deliver. What are they wanting member nations to deliver on?
The WHO wants to cut down on NCD’s (Non-Communicable Diseases — diseases you can’t “catch” from someone else) by one fourth in the next six years. While this certainly sounds noble (LOTS OF IDEAS SOUND NOBLE — INITIALLY), it’s a pipe dream. It’s impossible. In fact, mark my words, the problem is probably going to get worse before it gets better (70% of the global population currently dies of NCD’s).
“Despite the many proven interventions and commitments to combat NCDs, progress has been slow and uneven globally. The WHO Independent High-level Commission on NCDs was convened by the WHO Director-General in October 2017 to advise him on how countries can accelerate progress. The Commission’s report includes six key recommendations.
Billions of people around the world are affected by noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and mental disorders at all stages of the life course, from childhood to old age. Four diseases – cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes, account for most of the NCD burden.”
The WHO is trying to “prod” government’s to get things moving, in order to reach the goals set by the UN back in 2015 (The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development). Here is the goal they hope to reach in 11 years; “to reduce, by one-third, premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being.”
Again, it certainly sounds good, but again, it’s not going to happen. Why not? Because as I’ve said before (HERE), how can a world that’s becoming increasingly Westernized in its dietary habits (Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, etc) possibly deal with diseases that are largely diseases of lifestyle? “It will require equally bold actions from Heads of State and Government. They must deliver on their time-bound promise.” We’ll address these “bold actions” in a moment.
Here’s the problem folks; NCD’s are diseases that for the most part we bring on ourselves, diseases that governments have shown repeatedly that they have no real ability to stop, control, effectively treat, or for that matter, even slow down; OBESITY being an example everyone understands. But what about the others mentioned — are they largely diseases of lifestyle as well? HEART DISEASE and HIGH CHOLESTEROL? Check. DIABETES? Check.
Even diseases like CANCER are largely brought on via ANTIBIOTICS, SUGAR, and the myriad of chemicals we are being exposed to from birth (in many cases purposefully — HERE, HERE, or HERE are common examples). And even Depression is now known to be an inflammatory disease — something people can in most cases effectively address by effectively addressing systemic inflammation (HERE and HERE).
As for chronic respiratory illnesses, these would include things like ASTHMA and COPD, which though largely the result of SMOKING, in the third world can be the result of chronic exposure to charcoal smoke from cooking fires. In fact, if you look at lists of AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES (HERE) or CIDD’S (Chronic Degenerative Inflammatory Diseases), what you notice is that they are all largely the result of inflammation — yes, even most of those considered to be genetic (HERE).
While this does not sit well with most of us (we all like blaming “BLIND CHANCE” or someone else for our problems), let’s be honest with each other for a moment; what is the medical community going to do about these problems anyway? Take more drugs? How’s that been working out so far? At between 3 and 5% of the world’s population, America consumes 3/4 of the world’s medications, yet consistently ranks about 90th in the CIDD category, and about 30th in overall international health (HERE).
Although it was probably the WHO’s chief suggestion as to how to slow down this runaway train of preventable mortality, increasing the taxes on tobacco and JUNK FOOD have not proved to be very effective (although proponents would say otherwise, examples abound). Why not? Face it; people want their CHEETOS, SODA, and CIGARETTES. Period. In other words, we all the same thing. To have our cake, eat it to, and then have someone else pay for the consequences. Unfortunately, the person that must ultimately be paid for this way of thinking is the piper.
The authors of the study went on to state,
“Governments should ensure that the national public benefit package includes NCD and mental health services, including health promotion and prevention and priority health care interventions as well as access to essential medicines and technologies. There is no excuse for inaction, as we have evidence-based solutions.”
Ah, EVIDENCE-BASED SOLUTIONS. And how have those been working out as far as CIDD’s are concerned?
As I showed you the other day (HERE), it’s probably the very reason that this panel could not come to a consensus on sugar. Follow the money and I promise that the individuals blocking sugar taxes (not that I necessarily think they are a valid solution), are in cahoots with BIG SUGAR.
“The Commissioners represented rich and diverse views and perspectives. There was broad agreement in most areas, but some views were conflicting and could not be resolved. As such, some recommendations, such as reducing sugar consumption through effective taxation on sugar-sweetened beverages… could not be reflected in this report….“
Mark my words; as we’ve recently seen occurring in America, death rates from the above-mentioned diseases are going to continue to rise, not fall. It’s exactly what recent studies have shown is going on with our life spans, which for the first time in decades, has been shown to be decreasing instead of increasing. What’s the solution? In your heart, you already know the answer. It’s up to you. If you are not living in the third world, you have no excuse for not taking charge of your health. Face reality; your doctor can’t make you healthy.
If you are interested in taking charge of your health and your weight, be sure to take a peek at some of the ideas in THIS SHORT POST. Why should you care? Because government-run healthcare (or for that matter, private healthcare) in our I-WANT-IT-ALL-AND-I-WANT-IT-NOW Westernized world is completely unsustainable (HERE). Oh, and be sure to take a look at our FACEBOOK PAGE if you like what you’re seeing on our site.