When Angela told me that back when she started working out she was 60 lbs overweight and struggling, I frankly couldn’t believe it. When I met her a couple weeks ago, she was not only fit and motivated to stay that way, I quickly realized that she is highly motivational as well (not to mention extremely knowledgeable about fitness and natural bodybuilding). In other words, she’s the perfect gym owner (FIVE-POINT FITNESS, COLUMBUS, OHIO). It was an absolute privilege to get to know her just a bit in the two or three hours we spent together. The problem is, fitness and motivation alone are not enough to work through chronic pain caused by ADHESED FASCIA.
Due to a CAR CRASH that she was involved in something like 12 years ago, Angela had gotten to the point she could barely function. At first, she could not get off my table without extreme effort and she could not flex more than a few inches when trying to perform an air squat (she shook). When I finished with her, she could put her rear end almost on the floor in a very deep squat and hold it there without shaking! What were her problems?
I realized almost immediately that although she believed her issue to be PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME (she did have a touch of this or SOMETHING THAT CAUSES SIMILAR SYMPTOMS), her main problem was an absolutely brutal unilateral HIP FLEXOR PROBLEM (I also solved a chronic SHOULDER PROBLEM for her as well).
This video was shot almost two weeks ago, immediately after treatment. I told Angela I would wait to post it to make sure her results held up. I got her email this morning. Angela, I am in awe of what you have done with your life. The good people of Columbus, Reynoldsburg, and the surrounding areas are blessed to have you in their corner, helping them fight the good fight in every way (“every way” means the five points of her program; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial)! You’re awesome Angela, and meeting you was both a pleasure and a privilege! May God bless you and your endeavors.
Below is an update from 1/4/2018 — not quite two months after a second treatment. It seems that Angela may have got a bit rambunctious in the gym after feeling so good when she got back home after her first visit. She did things a bit different after her second treatment.
Hello Dr. Schierling,
I hope you and your family are doing well. I wanted to update you on my health since I last saw you (it’ll be 60 days on January 7). I am happy (very happy) to report that I am feeling much better. I’d say I’m about 90% better than before my last visit and the only reason I’m not saying 100% is because I still have some stiffness and an occasional shooting pain in my tailbone area.
However, I am finally walking with no limp at all and the numbness and tingling that was throbbing from my tailbone to my foot is gone. I am also still able to squat low and my knee flexion has greatly improved. I found that while training clients I no longer have to constantly keep moving around. Before, if I stood in place any more than a few minutes I’d get terrible, sharp pains and eventually go numb. This hasn’t happened although I do still move around just to make sure I don’t get stiff.
This time, what I did differently is took two weeks and completely rested. I didn’t train clients, I didn’t lift anything over 5 lbs and I kept my legs elevated. I did my stretching daily and sat in the sauna at the gym. No exercise at all. I don’t know if this combination of things is what did the trick but this is the first time I’ve been nearly pain free in four years.
Your scar tissue remodeling technique works! It’s the right amount of applied pressure, going deep enough to make a change. A significant change. And the temporary discomfort, for me, was beyond worth living with daily chronic pain.Thank you so much for your help. I’ll update you again at my 6 month mark.
Angela Nixon