“In one treatment my back and neck went from weak and fragile to strong and durable.” About three weeks ago Tedd drove 12 hours from Minnesota to see me for 25 years of chronic pain. We are talking CHRONIC NECK PAIN, CHRONIC MID BACK AND RIB TISSUE PAIN, and CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN as well. Because of his unique history, I had told Tedd that I had no idea whether or not I could help him, but if he was willing to make the trip, we would give it a try and that he would know after a single treatment if his visit would prove fruitful. What’s funny is that he was searching online for an alternative chiro in Missouri that he had heard about and that I happen to know, but he came across us instead.
There was no rhyme or reason for Tedd’s pain. He simply woke up with it one morning and has been struggling for two and a half decades — all while continuing to work a physically demanding job. What has he done to try and solve this problem? He tried all the usual; CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS, THERAPY, massage, ACUPUNCTURE, INJECTIONS, and even SURGERY. And that’s just for starters (the list he gave me is to long to print here, but those of you who have been down the same road could guess most of it).
And of course he had had every imaging test under the sun (HERE, HERE and HERE), all to no avail, with everyone seemingly trying to explain his pain away with brilliant diagnostic statements like “Gee Tedd, you just aren’t as young as you used to be” — unfortunate and ridiculous for a person significantly younger than I AM. When I hear a history like his — the only thing that brings any real relief is chiropractic adjustments, but they just don’t hold (LIKE THIS) — my first thought is always SCAR TISSUE / FIBROSIS. Rather than me talk about it, I am going to let Tedd spill the beans in an unsolicited email I received yesterday.
Good Morning Russell,
I just wanted to send you quick note on my progress. It was three weeks ago yesterday that I had my first treatment done in your office. I have been following the guidelines on the stretching and implemented the exercises that we discussed. The days after the treatment it’s almost like I had a flare up and my symptoms worsened.
Since then things have vastly improved. Before the treatment I had been seeing a chiropractor on average twice a week for over 20 years. I can happily (ecstatically) say that I haven’t felt the need to get adjusted since leaving your office. My mobility has improved along with a massive reduction in pain. In one treatment my back and neck went from weak and fragile to strong and durable.
Thank you so much for treating me! I almost forgot to tell you I shoveled approximately 6,000 pounds of snow off my roof yesterday. I couldn’t even do one shovel full a month ago.
All I can say Tedd is fantastic! I never get tired of hearing stories like these. Ever! And let’s all be honest with each other for a moment; who else tells their patients that they will know after a single treatment if their treatment will prove helpful (HERE, HERE or HERE)? By the way Tedd, if you and your wife are ever in Missouri when the weather is good, hit me up and we’ll head to CURRENT RIVER and continue the great conversations we had during our two hours together! For my readers, especially those struggling with chronic conditions, be sure and check out THIS POST. And if you appreciate what you are finding on our site, be sure and spread the wealth by liking, sharing, or following on FACEBOOK.