government tells us which diet is best
OUR GOVERNMENT FINALLYREVEALS WHICH DIET IS BEST Zuzyusa – Praha/ČR – Pixabay “Diet is established among the most important influences on health in modern societies.
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OUR GOVERNMENT FINALLYREVEALS WHICH DIET IS BEST Zuzyusa – Praha/ČR – Pixabay “Diet is established among the most important influences on health in modern societies.
SPINAL DEGENERATIONCAUSE AND EFFECT Rawpixel – English Pixabay YESTERDAY I ran a post on the recent series of studies dealing the debilitating effects of CHRONIC
LOW BACK PAIN IS FREQUENTLY….DISABLING Noupload Andy (Noupload) – Halbinsel Eiderstedt/Germany – Pixabay According to two brand new studies published in the journal Annals of
GLUTEN SENSITIVITY IS MOSTLY NEUROLOGICAL PART II Jose Antonio Alba – Lleida/España – Pixabay “Both Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity may present with a variety
Face Pain is Different than Headache “Head, neck and face pain are commonly encountered in the daily practice of therapeutic massage, physiotherapy and indeed
CHRONIC PAINIS MINE REAL OR ALL IN MY HEAD? “There are some clinicians who feel that the only approach to identify the true nature of
MORE ON THE RECENT CHANGES TOCHOLESTEROL GUIDELINES Qimono – Arek Socha – Stockholm/Sweden – Pixabay It happens like clockwork. Every few years, the powers-that-be in
ADHD DOES NOT EXIST? “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed conditions of childhood in the U.S. According to the
ANTIBIOTICS ARE WORSE FOR YOURHEART THAN YOU EVER DREAMED Alex Proimos “Azithromycin and levofloxacin [both common Antibiotics] were both associated with elevated risks of death
PREVALENCE OF AUTISM INCREASES AGAIN Gerd (Geralt) Altmann – Freiburg/Deutschland – Pixabay “The prevalence in Somalis was high, with one in 32 children affected, but
WEIGHT LOSS EXCUSESI CAN’T LOSE WEIGHT BECAUSE……… Maria Raquel Cochez “The dog ate my oatmeal.” I actually had a patient tell me this years
INSULIN RESISTANCE LEADS TO AMYRIAD OF HEALTH PROBLEMS Myriams-Fotos – Deutsch – Pixabay In at least two different posts (HERE & HERE), I have told
SOLVING A CASE OF PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME IN A YOUNG WOMAN PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME is a bummer. Just ask anyone who has dealt with it. The other
UNDERSTANDING THE GLUTEN, LEAKYGUT, AUTOIMMUNITY CONNECTION “Once people’s Immune System begins making antibodies to Gluten; for reasons that are not yet clearly understood, these same
TEENAGERS WITH HEADACHES?MAKE EM PART OF THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC!GIVE THEM DRUGS! Arek Socha – Stockholm/Sweden – Pixabay “Opioids were go-to drugs for teen headache even
CALCIUM SUPPLEMENTSNOT WHAT WE’VE BEEN LED TO BELIEVE Tim Hill – Yorkshire/UK – Pixabay “When it comes to predicting heart trouble, doctors essentially play a
MEDICAL GUIDELINES FOR ANTIBIOTIC USE (ARE THEY BEING FOLLOWED?) Gerd (Geralt) Altmann – Freiburg/Deutschland – Pixabay “We saw enormous variability in the rate of antibiotic prescribing.
GOVERNMENT BANS OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACES “In October, attorney generals for some of the most liberal states — Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, Rhode Island, Vermont, New York,
PROBIOTICS FOR BABIES?WHY NOT? Mskathrynne – K – Philippines – Pixabay “Infantile colic is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder of early infancy. …Infantile colic has
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