cancer explosion usa
AMERICAN CANCER RATES SET TO EXPLODE “We cannot treat our way out of the cancer problem.” – Dr. Christopher Wild, director of the International Agency
Mountain View, MO 65548
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AMERICAN CANCER RATES SET TO EXPLODE “We cannot treat our way out of the cancer problem.” – Dr. Christopher Wild, director of the International Agency
HOW SOON CAN I STARTEXERCISING AFTER TREATMENT? Heinz Hofmann Photography – Marktredwitz/Deutschland – Pixabay “Most soft tissue injuries take a few weeks to heal, depending
RESTLESS LEG SYNDROMEMYTH OR MALADY? Silvia & Frank – Germany – Pixabay Isn’t it interesting how the medical community climbs on a disease’s bandwagon just
THE CASE AGAINST EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE “When I tell friends outside medicine that many papers published in medical journals are misleading because
GLUTEN AND CHRONIC PAIN Johannes Plenio – Munich/Germany – Pixabay Chronic Pain. The OTHER DAY I told you that according to a 2011 report by
NEW INFORMATION ABOUT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS THE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME “Biologists have demonstrated a connection between multiple sclerosis — an
To CT or Not to CT: The Potential Relationship Between CT Scans and Cancer We’ve all been conditioned to believe that advanced imaging technologies such
IVF AS THE FRONT LINE FOR INFERTILITYIS THERE A BETTER WAY? Image by Nils Fretwurst “IVF has evolved in many parts of the world as
“We first have to understand when any soft tissue (muscle, tendons, nerves, fascia, ligaments) are damaged, the body produces scar tissue (also referred to as
COLD LASERWHAT ABOUT THE RESEARCH? Jason Goh (cegoh) – Singapore/Singapore – Pixabay Among the effects seen in multiple cell and tissue types is increased ATP
THE COLD HARD TRUTH ABOUTSCIENTIFIC RESEARCH If you have followed my blog at all, you are aware that much of what we refer to as
AGING, VITAL RESERVES, NUTRITION, AND DISEASE Sabine van Erp – Alkmaar – Pixabay “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you
WHY SO MUCH ALZHEIMER’S? “Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually even the ability to
FISH OIL FIRST PROSTATE CANCER, NOW IT’S JUST PLAIN BAD “The research found more problems when it looked specifically at levels of two particular omega-3s
NON-SURGICAL OPTIONS FOR DEALING WITH CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME OpenStax College BruceBlaus “In general, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome develops when the tissue around the Median Nerve of
CHRONIC NECK PAIN IN A YOUNG BULL RIDER I grew up in the heart of the Kansas Flint Hills. CHASE COUNTY to be exact —
M.U.P.S.MEDICALLY UNEXPLAINED PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS Gerd Altmann – Freiburg/Deutschland – Pixabay “Ask the average doctor what causes Fibromyalgia, and you’ll likely get a deer-in-the-headlights look, some
WHICH IS MORE TRUSTWORTHY… MEDICAL GUIDELINES OR COMMON SENSE? Gerd Altmann – Freiburg/Deutschland – Pixabay “The mistake, of course, is to have thought that peer
PATELLO-FEMORAL SYNDROMEWHAT IT IS AND HOW TO DEAL WITH IT EFFECTIVELY? “Consensus is lacking regarding the cause and treatment of the syndrome. Many theories have
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