If you are even a casual sports fan, you know that other than Tony Parker’s hamstring, concussions (TBI — Traumatic Brain Injuries) are currently the number one discussed SPORTS INJURY. A brand new study from New York’s Albert Einstien’s School of Medicine (“Soccer Heading Is Associated with White Matter Microstructural and Cognitive Abnormalities“), is shedding some new light on this topic.
The study, from the medical journal Radiology, suggested that soccer players who repeatedly “head” the soccer ball, end up with significant amounts of brain trauma that cannot be explained away by repeated concussions. According to the study’s conclusions, “Heading is associated with abnormal white matter microstructure and with poorer neurocognitive performance. This relationship is not explained by a history of concussion“. These findings are consistent with patients who have undergone MTBI (Mild Traumatic Brain Injury), which is why I do not allow headers on the youth soccer teams I have coached.