exercising to lose weight? there’s an easier way
DIET OR EXERCISEWHICH IS BETTER FOR WEIGHT LOSS? “A recent report from the UK’s Academy of Medical Royal Colleges described ‘the miracle cure’ of performing
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DIET OR EXERCISEWHICH IS BETTER FOR WEIGHT LOSS? “A recent report from the UK’s Academy of Medical Royal Colleges described ‘the miracle cure’ of performing
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EATING SUGAR CAUSES HIGH BLOOD PRESSURENOT THE ONLY CAUSE Rawpixel from Pixabay A couple of days ago I posted an article on the relationship between
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THIS IS THE CHRISTMAS GIFT AND NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION YOU OWE YOURSELF Zuzyusa – Praha/ČR – Pixabay It’s that time of year again. The parties
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GLUTEN & BRAIN FUNCTIONIS THERE A CONNECTION? IS THERE A CURE? Gerhard Gellinger – Nürnberg/Deutschland – Pixabay “The most common cited statistic indicates that more
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