more news on the dinosaur known as “the annual physical”
ANNUAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS: RELICS FROM A BYGONE ERA “When I, as a doctor, say I do not advocate for the annual physical, I feel like
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ANNUAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS: RELICS FROM A BYGONE ERA “When I, as a doctor, say I do not advocate for the annual physical, I feel like
A DECADE OF BUTT PAIN /SCIATICA/ PIRIFORMIS SYNDROMESOLVED! Zara J Tammy came to see me several years ago as a last resort. She had been
“You’ve got this injury you just can’t shake. You take time off. You ice and stretch and do all the right things but you’re still
VACCINES, AUTOIMMUNITY,AND THE HYGIENE HYPOTHESIS “I would contend that in order to truthfully and accurately promote and defend a ‘Forced Vaccination’ policy, one must have
SOLVING CHRONIC PAIN IN OUT-OF-STATE AND INTERNATIONAL PATIENTS Morton Buildings Ref# 3948 On this “Good Friday” I just want to say that I am grateful
THE PROBLEM OF ANTIBIOTICRESISTANCE AND SUPERBUGSNO WORRIES: THE GOVERNMENT IS COMING TO THE RESCUE!(Implementation of Executive Order 13676) “Antibiotic resistance that turns ordinary disease-causing bacteria
EHLERS–DANLOS SYNDROME AND TISSUE REMODELING Fiona McWhinnie SamuelEDS94 Magnolia Dysnomia “Pain is a common manifestation of EDS. It can range from mild to severe, and
DIET SODA CAUSES BELLY FAT For way too long (and despite being one of the fattest peoples in the history of the world) Americans have
A REPLY TO WORLD MAGAZINE’S MARVIN OLASKYCONCERNING HIS LATEST COLUMNS ON VACCINATIONS “We’re sometimes called journalistically to stir up hornet’s nests — and few things
BRAND NEW CANCER NEWS A couple of weeks ago, Cheryl Clark wrote an article for MedPage Today (a medical news site) called Value of U.S.
COMING SOON TO A STATE NEAR YOU(OR MAYBE EVEN YOUR STATE)VACCINE WARS DBCLS The University of Chicago is home to the National Opinion Research Center
KYLE ROYERKNIFE MAKER EXTRAORDINAIRE Tuesdays and Thursdays are the days I reserve specifically for out of state and international patients (HERE). Thursday I saw a
PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME SELF HELP AND SELF TREATMENT “Prevalence of piriformis syndrome [in patients with Sciatica] was 6.25%. Piriformis syndrome is one of the differential diagnoses
GENETICS -VS- EPIGENETICS CAN WE REALLY BLAME OUR POOR HEALTH ON THE FAMILY TREE? Burningrey “This year, more than 1 million Americans and more than
THE FDA FAILS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE… AGAIN Ji-Elle “That misconduct happens isn’t shocking. What is: When the FDA finds scientific fraud or misconduct, the
PREDIABETES / METABOLIC SYNDROMEAND OUR GOVERNMENT WestportWiki “In one of the most medically advanced countries in the world, more that 86 million Americans live with
PHYSICAL EXERCISE AND BRAIN HEALTH aboutmodafinil.com “The lack of effective preventive and treatment strategies against Alzheimer’s disease is an alarming problem. Among people at the
Press Releases as Evidence-Based Medicine? An Exercise in Exaggeration “Press Releases are frequently about as “Evidence-Based” as Mad Magazine.” -Dr. Russell Schierling “Exaggeration in news
ABC’s NIGHTLINE PROGRAM TACKLESCHRONIC PAIN AS IT RELATES TO RESTRICTED FASCIA “My research program centers on the role of connective tissue in chronic pain and
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