disc herniations and chronic infections
DISC HERNIATIONS AND THE RELATIONSHIP TO…….CHRONIC INFECTIONS user:debivort “The ability of the human body to resist the invasion of its tissues by microorganisms is dependent
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DISC HERNIATIONS AND THE RELATIONSHIP TO…….CHRONIC INFECTIONS user:debivort “The ability of the human body to resist the invasion of its tissues by microorganisms is dependent
Mystery Pain: Another One of Those Dirty Little Secrets “Acute and chronic pain affects large numbers of Americans, with approximately 100 million U.S. adults being
TENDINOSIS OR TENDINITIS?IMPORTANT DIFFERENTIATION, OR MERE SEMANTICS? “Tendinosis, sometimes called chronic tendinitis, tendinosus, chronic tendinopathy, or chronic tendon injury, is damage to a tendon at
CHRONIC HEADACHES / CHRONIC NECK PAINTWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN cgb “When asked about four common types of pain, respondents of a National Institute
CHRONIC PAINTHE MOST COMMON PROBLEMSSEEN AT SCHIERLING CHIROPRACTIC, LLC OpenClipart from Pixabay As I enter into my twenty third year of practice, I’ve seen a
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ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE CHANCES OF DEATH “The risk [of death from using anti-inflammatory meds] increases almost twentyfold for those over 75.” From the UK’s
TROUBLE LOSING WEIGHT?YOUR YO-YO DIETING MAY HAVE FRIED PART OF YOUR BRAIN Rilson S. Avelar – Contagem/Brasil – Pixabay “Yo-Yo dieting is really a metabolic
THE TRUTH ABOUT ANTI-DEPRESSANT MEDICATIONSINVISIBLE & ABANDONED PART III SJJP – 建鹏 邵 – 广州/中国 – Pixabay “To call these medications antidepressants may make sense
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ANTIBIOTICS, DYSBIOSIS, AUTOIMMUNITY, & OTHER CHRONIC ILLNESS PublicDomainPictures – English – Pixabay Rheumatological manifestations in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are frequent and
The War on Cancer: Are We Winning or Losing? “The War on Cancer refers to the effort to find a cure for cancer by increased
INVISIBLE AND ABANDONED STUDIES PART IITHE SORDID STORY OF TAMIFLU “It is not enough that trial results are seen in secret, behind closed doors,
WHIPLASH AND CAR WRECKS COMMON, BUT NOT THE ONLY WAY Image by Rvervuurt Although MVA’S are the number one way the people I treat for
HELPING THOSE WITH CHRONIC PAIN Justin Martin – Pixabay I saw J.P. on three different occasions for a variety of problems ranging from TOS, CHRONIC
ERODING HEALTHCARE FREEDOMSAN UPDATE ON DB’S VACCINATION SITUATION “…..you’ll need to read between the lines to get the full impact of what you are really
ANOTHER PALEO ‘PROOF’AN INTERESTING TAKE ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PALEO DIET I’m not quite sure how much ‘proof‘ I can personally provide you in
AMERICANS USE A LOT OF ANTIBIOTICSFOR BOTH PEOPLE AND ANIMALS “Every day, Americans use some 51 tons of antibiotics. But only about a fifth of
DB AND OUR NATION’S VACCINATION POLICIES I want to give this baby the best shot that I can. There are just things in the flu
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