record numbers of americans addicted to prescription pain meds
RECORD NUMBERS OF AMERICANS ADDICTED TO PRESCRIPTION PAIN MEDS OpenClipart There are 260 million prescriptions written for NARCOTIC (OPIOID) PAIN KILLERS each year in America
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RECORD NUMBERS OF AMERICANS ADDICTED TO PRESCRIPTION PAIN MEDS OpenClipart There are 260 million prescriptions written for NARCOTIC (OPIOID) PAIN KILLERS each year in America
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DISC HERNIATION?PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME? HERNIATED DISC PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME If you’ve ever had sciatica, you know what a nightmare it can be. Sciatica can range from the
CHECK OUT A FEW OF OUR LATEST VIDEO TESTIMONIALS I truly appreciate my patients who are willing to do these short videos. These are neither
WHOLE BODY VIBRATION Gerd Altmann – Freiburg/Deutschland Whole Body Vibration (WBV) is one of the most astounding modalities to come along in a long time.
AMERICA’S DRUG CULTURE Emilian Danaila – Braunschweig/Germany – Pixabay You ever wonder why Americans are so sick? It’s crazy! Our borders hold less than 5%
GUT HEALTH & ITS RELATIONSHIP TO OVERALL HEALTH Since the days of Bayliss and Starling’s groundbreaking experiments over a century ago, science has understood that
CAN LOW CARB DIETS “CURE” DIABETES RitaE – Deutschland – Pixabay First off, never use the word “cure” when dealing with government agencies as it
ANOTHER ROUND OF GLUTEN & LEAKY GUT DISCUSSIONS Ralf Kunze – Germany – Pixabay For those of you who are unaware, Gluten is the glue-like
EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE?YEAH, RIGHT Gerd Altmann – Freiburg/Deutschland – Pixabay EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE. It’s one of those “feelgood” Oxymorons. Something that sounds soooooo good on the
ANOTHER PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME TESTIMONIAL Marian Harris of West Plains, Missouri has struggled with leg pain and Sciatica for over 13 years. This video was shot
Tensegrity Have you ever wondered how in the world dinosaur necks function despite the fact that some are longer than a school bus? It’s a
“Connective tissue is something of an orphan child in medicine: although it is an integral part of the musculoskeletal system, connective tissue is basically absent
B.J. PALMER (1882-1961) Yesterday, we looked at the life of a visionary healer, DR. ANDREW TAYLOR STILL. Today we look at B.J. Palmer, the “Developer
THE ORIGINAL FASCIA DOCTORA.T. STILL “The soul of man, with all the streams of pure living water, seems to dwell in the fascia of his
VIDEO TESTIMONIALS SCHIERLING CHIROPRACTIC, LLC PAM; WHOLE BODY FASCIAL ADHESIONS Here are a few of our latest Video Testimonials for Schierling Chiropractic, LLC. Dr. Schierling
MORE ON (MORON) LYRICAFIBROMYALGIA’S ‘DRUG OF CHOICE’ Because of my blog, many of you are familiar with the massive fines levied on Pfizer over the
BRAIN-DEAD MORON?YEAH — THAT PRETTY MUCH DESCRIBED ME Gerd Altmann – Freiburg/Deutschland – Pixabay I have always had an interest in nutrition, exercise, and natural
SYSTEMIC (WHOLE BODY) INFLAMMATIONPUTTING OUT THE FIRE! We usually think of Inflammation as a “local” phenomenon. You know; SPRAIN AN ANKLE, and the thing swells
PHIL’S AMAZING JOURNEY 12019 from Pixabay Phil stopped by while visiting from Arizona. He is a hard-working man, whose job is to keep the biggest
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