the d’s of chronic pain
THE D’s OF CHRONIC PAIN Pain. It’s the number one reason Americans visit doctors. As crazy as it may sound, about one third of Americans (100,000,000
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THE D’s OF CHRONIC PAIN Pain. It’s the number one reason Americans visit doctors. As crazy as it may sound, about one third of Americans (100,000,000
NEW PROSTATE CANCER DRUGS HIT THE MARKET HAVE WE LOST OUR MINDS? Wellcome L0014222 “Amazing!” “Almost too good to be true.” “The most significant developments
MIGRAINE VIDEO TESTIMONIAL Approximately eight years ago, Hannah had a serious sledding injury and hurt her neck. She is one of those patients whom Chiropractic
DECADES OF CHRONIC MIGRAINE HEADACHES…. GONE! Yesterday morning, Bonita gave us one our most amazing Video Testimonials to date. It’s not unusual for us to
MORE IATROGENESISIATROGENESIS, DEATH BY MEDICINE & DR. OZ Iatrogenesis is not a pretty topic. The word means ‘originating from a physician‘, and is defined as,
BREAST CANCER SCREENINGS GOOD or BAD? BruceBlaus According to a brand new Norwegian medical study, Routine Mammograms cause, “substantial amount of overdiagnosis” of nonfatal breast
REX’S CHIROPRACTIC MIRACLE “The nervous system controls and coordinates all organs and structures of the human body.” Page Four of the 29th Edition of Gray’s Anatomy
AN ASPIRIN A DAYMAY LEAD YOU TO AN EARLY GRAVE Inflammation is a group of naturally occurring immune system chemicals, which, when driven to excessive
The Latest Statistics Show AnotherHuge Increase in Autism Rate I, Eubulides The latest CDC statistics (2008 statistics — the most recent to date) came out
WEEKLY PATIENT TREATMENT DIARYSCHIERLING CHIROPRACTIC, LLC RawPixel – Pixabay Because I had not started doing VIDEO TESTIMONIALS yet, I kept a short “Treatment Diary” of
If you have watched some of our PATIENT TESTIMONIAL VIDEOS, you quickly noticed how many of the people that I treat on a day-to-day basis
PAULA “DIABETES” DEEN Maarit Ignatius-Kuittinen – Joensuu/Suomi – Pixabay Let me first say that I respect what Paula Deen has done. She is the all-American
HEART ATTACK OR SUBLUXATION? Sean came to see me out of pain and sheer frustration. He had recently gone through thousands upon thousands of dollars
VIDEO TESTIMONIALS RÜŞTÜ BOZKUŞ – BURSA/TÜRKİYE – Pixabay Here are some Video Testimonials of people I have treated last week for a ROTATOR CUFF (shoulder)
PIRIFORMIS TENDINOSIS I’ve known Joanna since she was a little girl. However, I never realized until just how bad her chronic “hip” problem has been
DOCTORS AND NUTRITION Valelopardo – Español – Pixabay For those who have questioned what their family physician really knows about nutrition, the answer is, “not
TERRIFIED OF CHOLESTEROL? Zuzyusa – Praha/ČR – Pixabay Big Pharma (with the help of the medical community & the federal government) has done a fabulous
TREATING COMMON TENDON PROBLEMSStandard Medical Care -vs- Conservative Care Wellcome Images: V0008265 Other than things like controversial PLATELET RICH THERAPY, which I blogged about a
BILATERAL PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME Image by Beth Ohara Back when I started practice, I was like most of my patients still are today. I had never
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