how about asthma drugs?
ASTHMA INHALERS KILLAnother Dirty Little Secret of America’s Medical Community Myrabella Popular and long-acting asthma medicines such as Advair and Serevent pose a substantially increased
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ASTHMA INHALERS KILLAnother Dirty Little Secret of America’s Medical Community Myrabella Popular and long-acting asthma medicines such as Advair and Serevent pose a substantially increased
WARNING: ASTHMA MEDS CAN BE DEADLY! ACCORDING TO STATISTICS TAKEN FROM THE CDC’S WEBSITE —– FOR AMERICANS….. Number of non-institutionalized adults who currently have asthma:
FIBROMYALGIA -vs- ADRENAL FATIGUE Photo by Mikael Häggström Fibromyalgia has become a full-blown American epidemic. But ask the average doctor what causes Fibromyalgia, and you’ll
ETHIOPIAN FLAG Arron Bradley and I will be leaving on Tuesday to get our daughters (four sisters — the older two are Bradleys, the younger
SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, SIDNEY CROSBY, AND DR. TED CARRICK Sidney Crosby has been suffering from severe headaches and dizziness for the better part of eight months.
GUT HEALTH AND YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Mariana Ruiz Villarreal For years I had heard the statistic kicked around; “80% of your body’s immune system can
PART IIGUT / IMMUNE SYSTEM In my last blog article we learned a little something about Gut Function and its relationship to antibiotics and Dysbiosis.
ANTIBIOTICS, DYSBIOSIS, AND PROBIOTICS modvigil.com We know that an antibiotic is a substance that works “against bacteria“. So it only makes sense that a Probiotic
TRUST USTO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE I was reminded of something I had put together for my
DEATH BY MEDICINE A bit less than a decade ago, Gary Null got a group of credentialed medical doctors and Ph.D researchers together and did
THE SORDID HISTORY OF ASPARTAME The American public has been duped for a long time. A Health & Nutrition Newsletter from from Tufts University stated
MORE SITUPS AND CRUNCHES FOR A STRONGER CORE? I see too many ruined backs from those who believed they were immune from spine flexion during
FLU SHOTS AND ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE: IS THERE A LINK? How many people do you know who rush to wait in line for hours each year
FREE OFFICE VISITADVICE: $50,000.00 Researchers recently searched 10 computer databases for clinical trials (the focus was on people with referred leg symptoms and MRI confirmation
TENDINITIS OR TENDINOSIS?WHY IT MATTERS Although most practitioners seem to be unaware of the fact, over the past several decades, medical research has conclusively shown
IS BREAKFAST REALLY THE MOSTIMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY? Tamorlan To answer the question raised in the title; of course it is! Everyone knows that
LISTEN UP FOLKS!BONE BUILDING DRUGS CAUSE FRACTURES Micha L. Rieser Why do doctors do bone density tests? There’s really only one reason —- to sell
ARE YOU BLAZING YOUR FAMILY’SHEALTH WITH ANTIBIOTICS? Dr. Martin Blaser is no dummy. He received his M.D. degree in 1973 from the University of Colorado,
DR OZ’S SKETCHY DIETARY ADVICEWHAT TO EAT NOW Let me start by saying that I like Dr. Oz. For an M.D., I really like Dr.
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