more on statin drugs
SHOULD YOU BE WORRIED ABOUT STATINS? Statin drugs should probably be in the water, like fluoride. These cholesterol-fighting wonders have been proven to prevent heart
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SHOULD YOU BE WORRIED ABOUT STATINS? Statin drugs should probably be in the water, like fluoride. These cholesterol-fighting wonders have been proven to prevent heart
ARE STATINS WORTH THE RISK? MoneyforCoffee – English – Pixabay Although the scientific literature is loaded with information on the various kinds of adverse reactions
FIVE COMMON PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS SHARE A GENETIC LINKSHOULD WE BE SURPRISED? Should we be surprised at this headline? Of course we shouldn’t be surprised! In
Generational Health Continues it’s Slide: We are Less Healthy than Our Parents We are a nation that’s still largely defined by Baby Boomers — those
HOW MANY DRUGS ARE REALLY NECESSARY? In an amazing study published in last October’s issue of the Annals of Family Medicine (The Changing Face of
FDA LOOKING AT NEW DRUGS FOR DOUBLE CHINS In a story that I could not possibly make up, two drug companies have created injectable drugs
AUTISM AND GUT HEALTHWHAT IS THE LINK? Jil Martinez – Italia – Pixabay When it comes to the field of medicine, “EVIDENCE” can be a
MORE SIDE EFFECTS OF FLU SHOTS 3D-man I have been warning people about the crazy SIDE EFFECTS OF THE FLU SHOT since I started practice
ANTIBIOTIC OVERUSE CREATES FEAR IN PUBLIC OFFICIALSTHE WRITING ON THE WALL IS CLEAR It’s unfortunate that money and ignorance are two of the driving forces
ADHD NUMBERS EXPLODE OVER THE PAST DECADE Gerd Altmann – Freiburg/Deutschland – Pixabay “The rates of childhood attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis has
FECAL MICROBIOTA TRANSPLANTSARE YOU SERIOUS?AS SERIOUS AS A HEART ATTACK! 3Dman If you are a regular reader of my blog, you might recall some of
ARTHRITIS MEDICATIONS LINKED TO SHINGLES Photograph by Fisle Photograph by Fisle One of the more common classes of drugs used to treat people with Rheumatoid
SEATTLE SEAHAWKSWHATEVER HAPPENED TO KENNY EASLEY? Photo by “unwritten” (flickr) CC-BY-SA Not that I had any serious interest other than being a football fan, but
VEGAN -vs- PALEO ShireShy – English – Pixabay In my neck of the woods (THE SOUTH MISSOURI OZARKS), there are not a lot of Vegans;
A RECENT EMAIL CONCERNINGCIPRO-INDUCED TENDINOSIS Jeylina Ever I found your article on Tendinosis very informative. I have been dealing with tendin “osis” since being floxed
ANTIBIOTICS: THE DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD “We must remind ourselves that antibiotics are a shared resource, and every individual should consider how each prescription or use of
CHILDREN SHOULD BE ACTIVEDEFEATING ADD / ADHD NATURALLY “Finally, the illusion that children’s behavior problems can be cured with drugs prevents us as a society
THOSE EVIL HALIDES AND YOUR THYROID (CHLORINE, FLUORIDE, BROMINE) Remember back to our page on THYROID HORMONES? Now remember back to Junior High Science Class.
DO BETA BLOCKERS PREVENTSECOND HEART ATTACKS? Mohamed Hassan – Giza/Egypt – Pixabay If you have already had a heart attack, stroke, or have high blood
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