final poll results on d’s vaccination refusal
What Do Medical Professionals Think? – Poll Results “I use to be a strong advocate for the flu shot, and I had gotten my flu
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What Do Medical Professionals Think? – Poll Results “I use to be a strong advocate for the flu shot, and I had gotten my flu
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE CHANCES OF DEATH “The risk [of death from using anti-inflammatory meds] increases almost twentyfold for those over 75.” From the UK’s
THE TRUTH ABOUT ANTI-DEPRESSANT MEDICATIONSINVISIBLE & ABANDONED PART III SJJP – 建鹏 邵 – 广州/中国 – Pixabay “To call these medications antidepressants may make sense
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ANTIBIOTICS, DYSBIOSIS, AUTOIMMUNITY, & OTHER CHRONIC ILLNESS PublicDomainPictures – English – Pixabay Rheumatological manifestations in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are frequent and
INVISIBLE AND ABANDONED STUDIES PART IITHE SORDID STORY OF TAMIFLU “It is not enough that trial results are seen in secret, behind closed doors,
ERODING HEALTHCARE FREEDOMSAN UPDATE ON DB’S VACCINATION SITUATION “…..you’ll need to read between the lines to get the full impact of what you are really
AMERICANS USE A LOT OF ANTIBIOTICSFOR BOTH PEOPLE AND ANIMALS “Every day, Americans use some 51 tons of antibiotics. But only about a fifth of
DB AND OUR NATION’S VACCINATION POLICIES I want to give this baby the best shot that I can. There are just things in the flu
SUGAR OR JUNK ADDICTIONARE YOU AN ADDICT? Mohamed Hassan – giza/Egypt – Pixabay “Available evidence in humans shows that sugar and sweetness can induce reward
WHAT ARE ANTIBIOTICS GOOD FOR? Clker-Free-Vector-Images – Pixabay It’s that time of year when many people get sick. People get colds, they contract THE FLU,
ANOTHER INSTANCE OFDIAGNOSTIC OVERLOAD Hioahelsefag – Oslo/Norway – Pixabay Overdiagnosis is an expected part of any screening program….. Part of a recent statement by the
CHIROPRACTIC AND FLU PREVENTION / FLU TREATMENTIS THERE A LINK? Photograph from a 1918 edition of the St. Louis Post Dispatch “High sympathetic tone may
JUST REMEMBER THAT WHEN YOU SMOKE,YOU ARE AFFECTING THE NEXT GENERATION Michael Moriarty – Tucson/USA – Pixabay “Hurd and colleagues were exploring the mechanisms that
COMMON THYROID DRUGS LINKED TO BIRTH DEFECTS mmmCCC – English – Pixabay Dr. Peter Laurberg’s research team from Aalborg University Hospital in Demark recently presented
ANTIBIOTICSLIFESAVER? DESTROYER OF HEALTH? OR BOTH? mmmCCC – English – Pixabay “Antibiotic resistance is rising for many different pathogens that are threats to health,” said
PRESCRIPTION DRUG ADDICTIONDOUBLES IN AMERICA Arek Socha – Pixabay Nationally, prescription drug-related deaths now outnumber those from heroin and cocaine combined. The recent Trust for
UNNECESSARY ANTIBIOTICS SITUATION IMPROVING?NOT! Pexels – Pixabay Despite years of persuasion and publicity, antibiotics are still drastically overprescribed for two common complaints — sore throat
WHOOPING COUGH….SHOULD I BE WORRIED? “Herd immunity is important. If most of the population is not immunized, any given individual will have a much greater
CROSSFIT, STATINS, AND RHABDOMYOLYSIS Moni Mckein – A Coruna/Spain – Pixabay No pain; no gain. Jane Fonda from her 1982 workout videos Although Jane Fonda
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