childhood vaccinations
THE POTENTIAL DANGERS OFCHILDHOOD VACCINATIONS Lothar Dieterich – Germering/Deutschland – Pixabay There are certain issues that have the potential to elicit extreme emotional reactions from
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THE POTENTIAL DANGERS OFCHILDHOOD VACCINATIONS Lothar Dieterich – Germering/Deutschland – Pixabay There are certain issues that have the potential to elicit extreme emotional reactions from
IT’S THE WORST FLU SEASON ON RECORD….AGAIN Wellcome L0013912 It’s that time of year again. The time when the newspapers and airwaves began ratcheting up
ANTIBIOTIC USE IN INFANTS AND YOUNG CHILDREN, DECIMATES HEALTH LATER IN LIFE Nanin7 School has started. Its that time of year when kids get sick
PCOS (POLY-CYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME) AN AMERICAN EPIDEMIC Bruce Blaus Diet-induced reduction in circulating insulin may be an attractive non-pharmacological treatment for women with polycystic ovary
GUT FLORA AND METABOLIC SYNDROME Gerd Altmann – Freiburg/Deutschland – Pixabay Although 99% of the medical community would be loathe to admit it, antibiotics have
IF DOGS AND DIRT CREATE HEALTHIER CHILDREN;WHAT DO ANTIBIOTICS AND VACCINES DO? A recent study from Finland showed how having a dog in the home
RECORD NUMBERS OF AMERICANS ADDICTED TO PRESCRIPTION PAIN MEDS OpenClipart There are 260 million prescriptions written for NARCOTIC (OPIOID) PAIN KILLERS each year in America
AMERICA’S DRUG CULTURE Emilian Danaila – Braunschweig/Germany – Pixabay You ever wonder why Americans are so sick? It’s crazy! Our borders hold less than 5%
MORE ON (MORON) LYRICAFIBROMYALGIA’S ‘DRUG OF CHOICE’ Because of my blog, many of you are familiar with the massive fines levied on Pfizer over the
NEW PROSTATE CANCER DRUGS HIT THE MARKET HAVE WE LOST OUR MINDS? Wellcome L0014222 “Amazing!” “Almost too good to be true.” “The most significant developments
AN ASPIRIN A DAYMAY LEAD YOU TO AN EARLY GRAVE Inflammation is a group of naturally occurring immune system chemicals, which, when driven to excessive
The Latest Statistics Show AnotherHuge Increase in Autism Rate I, Eubulides The latest CDC statistics (2008 statistics — the most recent to date) came out
TERRIFIED OF CHOLESTEROL? Zuzyusa – Praha/ČR – Pixabay Big Pharma (with the help of the medical community & the federal government) has done a fabulous
_ CHOLESTEROL SCREENINGS FOR KIDS?ONLY IN AMERICA Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator. Yale University Center for Advanced Instructional Media C. Carl Jaffe; MD; cardiologist According
ANNUAL U.S. SLEEPING PILL DEATH TOLLMAY TOP (GULP) 500,000 Jukka Niittymaa – Pixabay Well, I take this medicine as prescribed; I’ll sleep when I’m dead,
ANTIBIOTICS FOR SINUS INFECTIONS? Guess What? Although the information in this article came from a recently published study, it is certainly not new. In fact,
WANT TO KEEP YOUR FAMILY OFF ANTIBIOTICS?THEN LISTEN UP! A study from November’s issue of the medical journal Pediatrics (Antibiotic Prescribing in Ambulatory Pediatrics in
COUGH MEDICINE FOR KIDS?NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! OpenClipart Most of us have taken cough medicine at some point in our lives. Many parents routinely give
JUST REMEMBER…DRUGS KILL WHETHER PUSHED OR PRESCRIBED! Ewa Urban – Lublin/Polska – Pixabay Have you ever heard of Valium? Of course you have! According to
ANTIBIOTICS CAUSE OBESITYSHOULD YOU BE SURPRISED? Farmers have long used antibiotics to fatten up livestock—and now there’s growing evidence that these drugs may have the
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