health problems associated with acid reflux and heartburn drugs
HEARTBURN / ACID REFLUX DRUGS MORE DANGEROUS THAN MOST PEOPLE REALIZE “Madison Avenue has given stomach acid a bad name, but it’s really kind of
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HEARTBURN / ACID REFLUX DRUGS MORE DANGEROUS THAN MOST PEOPLE REALIZE “Madison Avenue has given stomach acid a bad name, but it’s really kind of
COMMON PHARMACEUTICALS LINKED TOINCREASED ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE In case you haven’t figured it out, Americans take a lot of Pharmaceutical Drugs (HERE). And as most of
AMERICA’S NUMBER ONE MEDICAL TREATMENT……IMMUNE SYSTEM SUPPRESSION Johannes Jansson/norden.org What if I let you in on another of our nation’s dirty little medical secrets?
DRUG REACTIONS AND UNDER-REPORTING “Off-label prescribing is widespread in Canada and the United States. For 160 drugs commonly prescribed to U.S. adults and children, 21
THE TRUTH ABOUT MUSCLE RELAXERS Ewa Urban – Lublin/Polska – Pixabay Ahhhhhhhhh. Relaxation. In a world of RAMPANT SYMPATHETIC DOMINANCE, it’s something that all of
ACETAMINOPHEN FOR BACK PAIN? OpenClipart “Acetaminophen is probably the single most effective non-prescription medication for lower back pain and neck pain and generally has the
PRESCRIPTION DRUGS AND CAR CRASHESWHAT IS THE LINK? Rico Löb – Pulsnitz/Deutschland – Pixabay If you have read my MVA PAGE (Motor Vehicle Accidents), you
HOW DO DOCTORS DETERMINE WHICH DRUGS YOU REALLY NEED? Gerd Altmann – Freiburg/Deutschland – Pixabay “The authors go on to say that for every dollar
YOU CAN TRUST THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY…. TO LIE, CHEAT, AND STEAL Arek Socha – Stockholm/Sweden – Pixabay I’ve given you DOZENS OF REASONS you cannot
CONGRESSIONAL INQUIRY CONCERNING…….FEMALE VIAGRA? “Trouble is, flibanserin has side effects that may outweigh its tepid benefits… The drug didn’t boost women’s desire any more than
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE CHANCES OF DEATH “The risk [of death from using anti-inflammatory meds] increases almost twentyfold for those over 75.” From the UK’s
INVISIBLE AND ABANDONED STUDIES PART IITHE SORDID STORY OF TAMIFLU “It is not enough that trial results are seen in secret, behind closed doors,
ERODING HEALTHCARE FREEDOMSAN UPDATE ON DB’S VACCINATION SITUATION “…..you’ll need to read between the lines to get the full impact of what you are really
JUST REMEMBER THAT WHEN YOU SMOKE,YOU ARE AFFECTING THE NEXT GENERATION Michael Moriarty – Tucson/USA – Pixabay “Hurd and colleagues were exploring the mechanisms that
COMMON THYROID DRUGS LINKED TO BIRTH DEFECTS mmmCCC – English – Pixabay Dr. Peter Laurberg’s research team from Aalborg University Hospital in Demark recently presented
PRESCRIPTION DRUG ADDICTIONDOUBLES IN AMERICA Arek Socha – Pixabay Nationally, prescription drug-related deaths now outnumber those from heroin and cocaine combined. The recent Trust for
HEARTBURN DRUGS CAUSE HEART DISEASE OpenClipart Vectors – Pixabay Of concern, this adverse mechanism is also likely to extend to the general population using PPIs…..
PAIN MEDS CAUSE CANCERNATURAL ALTERNATIVES TO PAIN MEDICATIONS A group of scientists led by Dr. Eunyoung Cho of Harvard Medical School, recently looked at the
STATINS AND ANTIBIOTICSA POTENTIALLY DEADLY MIXTURE Thomas Wolter – Berlin/Deutschland – Pixabay In a Canadian study that was published just days ago in the Annals
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