statins attack muscles, ligaments, fascia, and tendons
“To our knowledge, this is the first study… to show that statin use is associated with an increased likelihood of diagnoses of musculoskeletal conditions, arthropathies
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“To our knowledge, this is the first study… to show that statin use is associated with an increased likelihood of diagnoses of musculoskeletal conditions, arthropathies
ADHD IN CHILDREN LINKED TO OBESITY LATER IN LIFE A new study from the medical journal Pediatrics has determined that men who were diagnosed with
DRUG COMPANIES FOCUS ON NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS AND CANCER Ewa Urban – Lublin/Polska – from Pixabay There have been a slew of recent scientific articles talking
PRESCRIPTION DRUGS & ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION (ED) It is an interesting dichotomy. Despite the fact that I am seeing increasing numbers of patients who take no
“DISEASES” USED TO MARKET DRUGS TO BABIES Photo by Brazzouk “When it comes to marketing, the medical community has caught on quickly. One of the
HOW DOES YOUR DOCTOR CHOOSE WHICH MEDICATION(S) TO PRESCRIBE?THE ANSWER MIGHT SURPRISE YOU Harris Polls have been around since the early 1960’s. Although not quite
Generational Health Continues it’s Slide: We are Less Healthy than Our Parents We are a nation that’s still largely defined by Baby Boomers — those
HOW MANY DRUGS ARE REALLY NECESSARY? In an amazing study published in last October’s issue of the Annals of Family Medicine (The Changing Face of
FDA LOOKING AT NEW DRUGS FOR DOUBLE CHINS In a story that I could not possibly make up, two drug companies have created injectable drugs
ARTHRITIS MEDICATIONS LINKED TO SHINGLES Photograph by Fisle Photograph by Fisle One of the more common classes of drugs used to treat people with Rheumatoid
SEATTLE SEAHAWKSWHATEVER HAPPENED TO KENNY EASLEY? Photo by “unwritten” (flickr) CC-BY-SA Not that I had any serious interest other than being a football fan, but
DO BETA BLOCKERS PREVENTSECOND HEART ATTACKS? Mohamed Hassan – Giza/Egypt – Pixabay If you have already had a heart attack, stroke, or have high blood
RECORD NUMBERS OF AMERICANS ADDICTED TO PRESCRIPTION PAIN MEDS OpenClipart There are 260 million prescriptions written for NARCOTIC (OPIOID) PAIN KILLERS each year in America
AMERICA’S DRUG CULTURE Emilian Danaila – Braunschweig/Germany – Pixabay You ever wonder why Americans are so sick? It’s crazy! Our borders hold less than 5%
MORE ON (MORON) LYRICAFIBROMYALGIA’S ‘DRUG OF CHOICE’ Because of my blog, many of you are familiar with the massive fines levied on Pfizer over the
NEW PROSTATE CANCER DRUGS HIT THE MARKET HAVE WE LOST OUR MINDS? Wellcome L0014222 “Amazing!” “Almost too good to be true.” “The most significant developments
AN ASPIRIN A DAYMAY LEAD YOU TO AN EARLY GRAVE Inflammation is a group of naturally occurring immune system chemicals, which, when driven to excessive
ANNUAL U.S. SLEEPING PILL DEATH TOLLMAY TOP (GULP) 500,000 Jukka Niittymaa – Pixabay Well, I take this medicine as prescribed; I’ll sleep when I’m dead,
COUGH MEDICINE FOR KIDS?NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! OpenClipart Most of us have taken cough medicine at some point in our lives. Many parents routinely give
JUST REMEMBER…DRUGS KILL WHETHER PUSHED OR PRESCRIBED! Ewa Urban – Lublin/Polska – Pixabay Have you ever heard of Valium? Of course you have! According to
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