inflammation, antibiotics, autoimmunity, and the gut
GUT HEALTH AS IT PERTAINS TO ANTIBIOTCIS,AUTOIMMUNITY, AND INFLAMMATION “The road to health is paved with good intestines!” – Sherry A. Rogers “Gut bacteria are
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GUT HEALTH AS IT PERTAINS TO ANTIBIOTCIS,AUTOIMMUNITY, AND INFLAMMATION “The road to health is paved with good intestines!” – Sherry A. Rogers “Gut bacteria are
THE LINK BETWEENMULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND GUT FLORA Arek ‘Quimono’ Socha – Stockholm/Sweden – Pixabay “There is increasing support for the importance of risk factors such
GUT HEALTH AND INFLAMMATION MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU EVER DREAMED BruceBlaus “Health results primarily from a matched Diet AND Gut Flora, with minor contributions by
DIABETES AND DEPRESSIONANOTHER STUDY LINKING THEM BOTH TO GUT HEALTH A recent Yahoo article by Laura Friedman (Bacteria Could Provide A Powerful New Way To
PROBIOTICSARE THEY ALWAYS ENOUGH TO RESTORE GUT HEALTH? Bruno Glätsch – Bühlertann/Deutschland – Pixabay Even the mainstream is starting to catch on. There is a
GUT HEALTH AND THE RELATIONSHIPTO DIET AND EXERCISE Bundesarchiv Build 183-19650-0019 “Exercise seems to be another important factor in the relationship between the microbiota, host
CONSTIPATION SOLUTIONS 3Dman – Pixabay Constipation. At some time or another, we’ve all dealt with it. Our modern medical mindset leads us to believe that
GUT HEALTH & FMT: FECAL TRANSPLANTS ARE HERE TO STAY Just remember, the information on this website and / or post is not to be
PREVALENCE OF AUTISM INCREASES AGAIN Gerd (Geralt) Altmann – Freiburg/Deutschland – Pixabay “The prevalence in Somalis was high, with one in 32 children affected, but
PROBIOTICS FOR BABIES?WHY NOT? Mskathrynne – K – Philippines – Pixabay “Infantile colic is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder of early infancy. …Infantile colic has
GUT BACTERIA AND HEALTHIS THERE A RELATIONSHIP? TheDigitalArtist Pete Linforth – Birmingham/United Kingdom – Pixabay If you follow our blog, you are probably aware that
LATEST NEWS ON TESTING FORIRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME André Buhrer – Português – Pixabay “Mark Pimentel and his colleagues have been exploring the pathophysiology of IBS,
DYSBIOSIS AND OBESITYFEEDING THE BEAST TeroVesalainen – Finland – Pixabay Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. Hippocrates The doctor of the
EAT DIRT! Marcus Quigmire Individuals with reduced gut microbial gene richness present more pronounced metabolic dysfunction and low-grade inflammation…. People who have less diversity in
ABDOMINAL PAIN IN KIDSANXIETY AND DEPRESSION AS ADULTS “Melancholy” by Constance Marie Charpentier, 1801 “Functional abdominal pain in childhood was associated with anxiety disorder and
THE HIV / GUT CONNECTION The HIV patients, according to a report online in Science Translational Medicine, had a markedly different gut microbiome than did
THE BELLY BUTTON BIODIVERSITY PROJECT Several years ago, a group of research scientists, led by Dr. Rob Dunn of NC State University, began something his
ADHD IN CHILDREN LINKED TO OBESITY LATER IN LIFE A new study from the medical journal Pediatrics has determined that men who were diagnosed with
DIRTY PACIFIERS, VAGINAL DELIVERIES, & PREVENTING CHILDHOOD ALLERGIES THE BEAUTY OF BACTERIA “Vaginal delivery, which is a source for transfer of a complex microbiota from
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