chronic neck pain and the relationship to poor posture
POOR POSTURE AND THE RELATIONSHIP TO CHRONIC NECK PAIN Alehandra13 – Polska – Pixabay “Headaches and tension in the shoulders and back are often created
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POOR POSTURE AND THE RELATIONSHIP TO CHRONIC NECK PAIN Alehandra13 – Polska – Pixabay “Headaches and tension in the shoulders and back are often created
WHAT CAUSES GOUT?THE ANSWER MAY BE DIFFERENT THAN WHAT YOUR DOCTOR TOLD YOU Science has known for a very long time that Gout is caused
Should you avoid sugar? Our expert says no. The website of renowned cancer hospital in Houston, Texas, MD Anderson Fact: Sugar doesn’t make cancer
SHOULD FOOD STAMP RECIPIENTS BE ALLOWED TO USETAX PAYER DOLLARS TO PURCHASE JUNK FOOD? “As a physician, I realize the importance of healthy eating, and
SOLVING CHRONIC NECK PAINPHASE II Your doctor may prescribe stronger pain medicine than what you can get over-the-counter. Muscle relaxants or tricyclic antidepressant medications used
SOLVING CHRONIC NECK PAINPHASE I Wellcome Images L0013271 There are two related by distinct steps to solving CHRONIC NECK PAIN. Notice that I used the
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DISCIPLINED BEHAVIOR, GOAL SETTING, AND YOUR BRAINTHE RETICULAR ACTIVATING SYSTEM Patrick J. Lynch As a man thinketh in his heart; so is he. King Solomon
CHRONIC NECK PAIN AND CHRONIC INFLAMMATION Fotografie Holger Langmaier Fotografie – Marburg/Germany – Pixabay Bear in mind that injuries require inflammation in order to heal.
Radiculopathy refers to a set of conditions in which one or more nerve roots (the nerves along the spine) are affected and do not function properly.
CHRONIC NECK PAIN AND THERELATIONSHIP TO HEADACHES “Tension-type headache, previously called muscle contraction headache, is the most common type of headache. Its name indicates the
WHAT A DIET BASED ON WHOLE FOODS WILL DO FOR YOU Ilona – Freiburg/D – Pixabay “But as I said, there is no comparison for
CHRONIC NECK PAIN AND FASCIAL ADHESIONS Wellcome L0010765 A few weeks ago I was heading to Mountain Home on the GL 1800 with my daughter.
EAT DIRT! Marcus Quigmire Individuals with reduced gut microbial gene richness present more pronounced metabolic dysfunction and low-grade inflammation…. People who have less diversity in
HOW LONG WILL I HAVE TO STAY?HOW MANY TREATMENTS WILL IT TAKE? Amber Avalona – US – Pixabay There are people in this world struggling
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FREE RUNNING AND PARKOUR Schwalbenschwanz – Deutschland – Pixabay Every once and awhile I’ll throw something up on my blog which, while not being exactly
WHY I RECOMMEND PALEO FORNEARLY ALL MY PATIENTS Revizio from Pixabay Although adherents all seem to have a slightly different take on this diet, my
PAIN RELIEF OR A GOLD BRICKWHICH WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE? It’s an interesting question. Would you rather have relief from your Chronic Pain, or would
Enter your name, email address and message in the box below to send us an email. If you’re in the Mountain View area, you can stop in to the office. We’re located in Mountain View at: 1219 South State, Route 17. Or, give us a call at: (417) 934 6337