one result of evidence-based medicine
EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE WHERE DOES THE EVIDENCE LEAD?JUST FOLLOW THE MONEY! Just this week, one of the oldest and most prestigious medical journals on the planet
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EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE WHERE DOES THE EVIDENCE LEAD?JUST FOLLOW THE MONEY! Just this week, one of the oldest and most prestigious medical journals on the planet
THE TRUTH ABOUT ANTI-DEPRESSANT MEDICATIONSINVISIBLE & ABANDONED PART III SJJP – 建鹏 邵 – 广州/中国 – Pixabay “To call these medications antidepressants may make sense
INVISIBLE AND ABANDONED STUDIES PART IITHE SORDID STORY OF TAMIFLU “It is not enough that trial results are seen in secret, behind closed doors,
CONFLICT OF INTEREST?NOPE — JUST BUSINESS AS USUAL! “Pharmaceutical companies spent $57.5 billion on pharmaceutical promotion in the United States in 2004… With rare exceptions,
WEIGHT LOSS SURGERYIS IT WORTH IT? Engin Akyurt – Siem Reap/Cambodia – Pixabay An annual $190 billion is spent on obesity-related medical costs, according to
BRAND NEW MEDICAL GUIDELINES FOR TREATING OBESITY As BMI increases, the risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer all go up. Donna Ryan, MD, co-chair
TURNABOUT IS FAIR PLAY THE GOD DELUSION-vs-THE SCIENCE DELUSION Gerhard Gellinger – Pixabay Science is being constricted by assumptions that have, over the years, hardened
MORE“EVIDENCE-BASED” MEDICINE Image by Yumi Kimura “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” George Orwell; 1984 Doublespeak. It’s a
CONFESSIONS OF A MEDICAL HERETICTHE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME You’ve “arrived” in the field of alternative healthcare when you have
“INVISIBLE AND ABANDONED” “That there is not more of an uproar about this problem continues to surprise me. Missing or distorted evidence impugns the validity
EXCERPTS FROMDEATH BY MEDICINE elsebjgmailcom – Dansk – Pixabay Although this study is nearly a decade and a half old, it will still send shivers
HOW DOES YOUR DOCTOR CHOOSE WHICH MEDICATION(S) TO PRESCRIBE?THE ANSWER MIGHT SURPRISE YOU Harris Polls have been around since the early 1960’s. Although not quite
SHOULD YOU BE WORRIED ABOUT STATINS? Statin drugs should probably be in the water, like fluoride. These cholesterol-fighting wonders have been proven to prevent heart
MONEY CANNOT BUY HEALTH Reimund Bertrams – Bergkamen/Deutschland – Pixabay The Beatles sang, “Can’t Buy Me Love” back in 1964. Years later, John Denver added
MEDICAL COMMUNITY RESPONDS TO THEIR OWN RESEARCH ON ROUTINE CHECKUPS VideoPlasty Just a few days ago, I posted about the fact that medical research is
HOW TO RAISE A HEALTHY CHILD IN SPITE OF YOUR DOCTOR “One grandmother is worth two MD’s.” Dr. Robert M When I started Chiropractic School
THE BLATANT LYING THAT GOES ON IN MEDICAL RESEARCH & PRESS RELEASES Stefan “Kellepics” Keller – Deutschland / Germany – Pixabay We all know that
PATIENT CENTERED MEDICAL CAREREALITY or PIPE DREAM? Wellcome V0010549 Utopia…… it’s just wonderful even thinking about it. Sigh. We live in a world increasingly like
EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE?YEAH, RIGHT Gerd Altmann – Freiburg/Deutschland – Pixabay EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE. It’s one of those “feelgood” Oxymorons. Something that sounds soooooo good on the
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