fascial adhesions and microscopic scar tissue in children
ADHESED FASCIA IN CHILDRENMORE COMMON THAN YOU MIGHT SUSPECT In response to YESTERDAY’S POST on childhood headaches, I had someone drop me an email accusing
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ADHESED FASCIA IN CHILDRENMORE COMMON THAN YOU MIGHT SUSPECT In response to YESTERDAY’S POST on childhood headaches, I had someone drop me an email accusing
“You’ve got this injury you just can’t shake. You take time off. You ice and stretch and do all the right things but you’re still
ABC’s NIGHTLINE PROGRAM TACKLESCHRONIC PAIN AS IT RELATES TO RESTRICTED FASCIA “My research program centers on the role of connective tissue in chronic pain and
BIOFILMS, HERXHEIMER REACTIONS AND TISSUE REMODELING “Biofilms are increasingly being recognized as the preferred mode of growth of microbes in a wide range of habitats
FASCIATHE ROLE IT PLAYS IN THE MANUAL TREATMENTOF SOFT TISSUE INJURY AND DYSFUNCTION “Fascia has been described as a bodywide tensional network, which consists of
CHRONIC NECK PAIN, DIAGNOSTIC ULTRASOUND, FASCIA & HYALURONIC ACID One of the most common problems people present to my clinic with is CHRONIC NECK PAIN
MORE ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INFLAMMATION, PAIN, AND FIBROSIS “Fibrosis is the formation of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ or tissue in a
FASCIAL REMODELINGGETTING ON TARGET BY FINDING THE BULLSEYE As I have told you many times before, FASCIAL ADHESIONS are different than normal tissue in any
MYOFACIAL SYNDROMEIS IT TRIGGER POINTS, SCAR TISSUE, OR BOTH? Anatomography “[When] one opens a thigh to remove fascia for surgical procedure, one will be struck
TENDINOSISHAVE YOU BEEN FLOXED? “Most of the information available on the internet about fluoroquinolone toxicity is horrifying. Fluoroquinolone toxicity is horrifying. It is scary. It
FASCIA IS WHAT CONNECTS EVERY PARTOF YOU TO EVERY PART OF YOU Gerd Altmann – Freiburg/Deutschland – Pixabay “What is the most plentiful tissue in
IMAGING THE BODY’S FASCIA Gerd Altmann – Pixabay “Does fascia — sheets and webs of connective tissue — have any properties that are relevant to
“Myofascial pain syndrome is a fancy way to describe muscle pain. It refers to pain and inflammation in the body’s soft tissues.
TENDINOSIS OR FASCIAL ADHESIONS? (DOES IT REALLY MATTER?) Wellcome Images L0067247 Wellcome Images L0067248 “Inflammation is the primary process through which the body repairs tissue
SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION AND SCAR TISSUE “Inflammation is the collective name we give a group of Immune System chemicals which are used by cells to communicate
TENDINOSIS OR TENDINITIS?IMPORTANT DIFFERENTIATION, OR MERE SEMANTICS? “Tendinosis, sometimes called chronic tendinitis, tendinosus, chronic tendinopathy, or chronic tendon injury, is damage to a tendon at
FASCIA AND CHRONIC PAINDO YOU HAVE MULTIPLE LOCAL PROBLEMS OR A SYSTEMIC PROBLEM? Image by Connexions FASCIA is not only the single most pain-sensitive tissue
CHRONIC PAIN AND FASCIAL ADHESIONS When the cause of your complaint is a Connective Tissue-Based problem, you will garner all sorts of odd responses, deer-in-the-headlights
MORE SCAR TISSUE REMODELING StockSnap I would never let someone do that to me! A patient speaking to me Wednesday as I brought them past
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