the top ten dieting mistakes
THE TOP 10 DIETING MISTAKES David Cortez – Greenacres/Estados Unidos – Pixabay We in America are living a contradiction — a dichotomy of epic proportions
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THE TOP 10 DIETING MISTAKES David Cortez – Greenacres/Estados Unidos – Pixabay We in America are living a contradiction — a dichotomy of epic proportions
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BLACK MOLD AND MIGRAINE HEADACHES Infrogmation A couple of months ago I had a mother come in with her two young kids.
ARE YOU BEING CONTROLLED BY YOUR CRAVINGS? John Hain – Carmel/United States – Pixabay “In fact, another recent study, from the International Food Information Council
TWO DECADES OF CHRONIC HIP SPASMS SOLVED! Bruce Blausen Pictures like this one (left), while anatomically accurate, do not tell the whole story — not
WHICH IS THE BIGGER FACTOR IN OBESITY;OVEREATING OR NOT EXERCISING? Pixelia – France – Pixabay “The prevalence of abdominal obesity has increased among normal-weight women
SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION AND SCAR TISSUE “Inflammation is the collective name we give a group of Immune System chemicals which are used by cells to communicate
DeQUERVAIN’S SYNDROMEA VIDEO TESTIMONIAL Tenosynovitis of the Thumb’s Extensor Tendons. This is what DeQUERVAIN’S SYNDROME is technically defined as. Truthfully, I think that for the
WHAT IS INFLAMMATION?THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SUGAR AND INFLAMMATION Sage Ross “Inflammation is the new medical buzzword. It seems as though everyone is talking about it,
THE NECK’S NORMAL RANGES OF MOTION, ANDCONSEQUENCES OF RESTRICTED MOVEMENT “Velocity and smoothness of cervical motion were more restricted in patients with chronic neck pain
GLUTEN SENSITIVITYIS IT MERELY ANOTHER IN A LONG LINE OF PASSING FADS? Александр Мартинкевич – Новогрудок/Беларусь – Pixabay “That gluten sensitivity is regarded as principally
“Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. 133 million Americans – 45% of the population – have at
CHRONIC NECK PAIN BEFORE TREATMENT / AFTER TREATMENT Johnathan Evans is one of the nicest and most hard working guys you would ever hope to
EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINEAIN’T IT GRAND? Beetlelaaf “The recalls on the list are generally Class I., which means there is a reasonable probability that the use of or exposure
FORBES TAKES ON THE CHIROPRACTIC PROFESSION “Let’s talk about those “egregious” expenditures. In 2008, medical errors cost the United States $19.5 billion, with $17
DIABETES AND DEPRESSIONANOTHER STUDY LINKING THEM BOTH TO GUT HEALTH A recent Yahoo article by Laura Friedman (Bacteria Could Provide A Powerful New Way To
WHICH WILL KILL YOU FASTER,SMOKING OR BEING MORBIDLY OBESE? Although I have seen numerous definitions of what we call “Gross Obesity” or MORBID OBESITY (50%
GLIAL CELLS, INFLAMMATION, ANDCHRONIC PAIN OpenStax College “Research during the past two decades has shown that glial cells are important players in the creation and
HOW MANY CARBS SHOULD WE BE EATING?THE HUFFINGTON POST KNOWS Pexels from Pixabay “What’s most important is the type of carbohydrate you chose to eat because some sources
CHASE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLTHIRTY-YEAR REUNION Friday after work, I climbed on my GL 1800 and headed back to Kansas for my 30-year Class Reunion. The
DIETARY FATTIME MAGAZINE DECLARES AN END TO THE WAR Robert Owen-Wahl (Mediations) – BFK – Pixabay “Nearly four decades later, the results are in: the
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